Have you Experienced Jacob’s Troubles?


Jacob has CRUSHED the head of the serpent.  Not “bruised” its head.  Genesis 3:15 the lie from the wicked sitting in the once holy bible.  Or do you remember it as always being “bruise & bruise”?  “Jesus shall crush the head of the serpent and bruise His heel in the process.”  (please realize this should say crush and bruise if it magically changes after I type it….unfortunately that’s what hapened to much scripture, it changed magically on the book shelves.)

Today-I will not “curse God and die”.  Troubles have come and gone through the last six years.

By Jazweeh.

If you too have been enduring Jacob’s troubles know that we are in God’s hands.  He will not let us go.  But for me, I have need of patience, and other good character.  Trials of fire are upon me.  I want out of them.  Every trial which Jacob experiences in this time he goes to God with.

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What Is The Mark of The Beast? Anthony D. Williams Youtube

Important Video

FINALLY I believe I found some Truth on Youtube.

If Anthony (video) is correct remember this. God Almighty said He would forgive those in the last days when they repent of following the beast.  They were deceived, cunningly.

The forehead mark is a spiritually given mark of which man has not control over.  But the right arm was mentioned in script also before it was altered.  A second mark.  Just like there are two abomination desolations.  Two desecrated holy places.  One is hidden.  The other is told of in this video. He knew what the mark is. And then overnight he started calling it “money” he says now that money is the mark. What happened to him? A man who does countless videos of an absolute conclusion. Then overnight he sings with the rest of the watchmen “Its not the mark, its not the mark.” Maybe he is right.

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Recipe for Dark Transfiguration.  Making man in the image of the beast.

How to turn a man into 33.3% beast making man in evil’s image.

Mike from around the world –The Dark Knight says this.

They cannot handle the Truth! ” says the Dark Knight.  Still, the truth must be given says the scribe of God to the dark knight.  They shall employ coping skills by The Spirit.

Recipe of Jabba.   


Who are the 144,000 Elect of God?

The Testimony of The Woman of Revelation 12

Who Is The Woman of Revelation 12?

Seek God while it is still light and while He can be found.  Seek Him above all things that you do, seek Him diligently, fervently, and with all honesty and truth show Him your whole heart.  He rewards those who diligently seek Him.  But more importantly being near God is the most and only Wonderful experience the flesh can engage in.

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The Parable of The Talents Has Become The Prophecy of The Talents

“Spiritual Talents”

Have you lost some of your usual lifelong spiritual gifts?  Fear not, for end times has its own list of spiritual gifts that do not apply to the age of Grace that is passed.  I do not speak of Love, Faith, and Hope the greatest gifts of The Spirit.  Nor do I refer to “Love your God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and Love your neighbor as yourself.”  These gifts and the commandment of Love remain the greatest.  I am referring to Spiritual helps that are gifts, like sight, intuition, prophecy, visions, dreams, healing, deliverance, knowledge, wisdom and more.

(for KJV supernatural bible changes log go here)

The parable of the talents is that there will be men(kind) who neglect the spiritual gifts God has given them..therefore Jesus will take the unfruitful servant’s gifts and redistribute among the sheep who have been fruitful.

This does not mean perfect.  We all have times of learning when we are not fruitful by our highest standards of acting on behalf of our fellows that they may be saved.

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When the Moon is in the Seventh House & Jupitor Aligns with Mars

And Peace will guide the planets and Love will steer the Stars!

SUN, 29 MAY 2022 AT 04:26 MDT (10:26 UTC)
11 DAYS AWAY Jupitor conjunction with Mars.  And moon in Pisces.  Some say 7th house in Libra.  I am having a very hard time getting info on this “7th house” stuff.  Tim Foster says its 24th of May 2022 “Age of Aquarius” song event.  More will be revealed.  Maybe because of the Pisces/Libra discrepancy we got diff dates.  

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“Redeem the Time” is a Statement of the New Gospel & New Jesus

Learn to pronounce
the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.
“God’s plans for the redemption of his world”
saving/freeing from sin
the action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt.

The Beast is coy.  The beast system is brilliant in mind control and the motive is to get YOU to LOSE YOUR SALVATION by sin & grave spiritual error.

What is Redemption Truly?

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Jesus is Truth

Most Christian Men on TV Sport the Mark of the Beast on the Forehead.

The Holy Spirit No Longer Tolerates Lies from the book of Lies and its New Gospel (see the mark of the beast manifestations article here.)

What is an Idol?  An idol is a man made object that is above reproach automatically worshipped defended and set up as Holy.  An idol is worshipped by men who no matter what that idol does or says the man says “it is holy, it is good always” An idol can do no wrong in the eyes of those who worship it.

The Bible is such an idol.

Lets talk about the KJVB.  Here is just one example in many of how it is an idol , man made, full of lies yet worshipped as holy.

Here is a blatant example of accepting anything from the book calling it holy no matter what it says.

Luke 14:26

If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.  (this verse is blasphemy and a contradiction to godly precepts.)

We must drink the mirror and remove the mask if we are to have the heart of a child toward Father God. Jesus is Love, Truth, Life we mustn’t hide our heart from Him who molds and cleanses our heart.

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King Jame Version Mandela Effected Bible Reads, “Salted Infants” Implies More Cannibalism

This Just Keeps Getting Better and Better See “SALTED BABIES”  Newborns.

That’s sarcasm folks .  Hi.  I am Laura E, ParadisefortheHellbound on Youtube, bible changes KJV extraordinaire.  No false humility here people.  The only one I have seen who sees the extent of Bible changes on YT is EYA and her cohorts.  That’s it.  The rest of the people I do not know why…see some changes, basically they fend out the gnat and swallow THE CAMEL.  Whatever, but for the Grace of God there go I.

And as for thy nativity, in the day thou wast born thy navel was not cut, neither wast thou washed in water to supple thee; thou wast not salted at all, nor swaddled at all.

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Announcement Warning Jesus is Coming and The End is Coming Soon

Jazweeh in prayer is getting the same words over and over and over and over and over like never before and she is unable to get past it.

We have been praying in the Spirit for over 30 years and never ever gotten messages like now of Jesus coming soon.  He is at the door.  All that is left is for Him to make the command.  The rapture angels are already loosed.  The street is paved, His way is straight, Jesus is the Way, many are trying to enter by the back door and it will not work.  Jesus is the only Way to God’s Kingdom.

The message is this “prepare, the end is coming soon, prepare lock the door go in your rooms.  We think this instruction is to spare those who will not be raptured that be not blinded by the light.  Also it is a warning of WWIII at hand.

The msg is Prepare the Lord is coming soon, prepare the end is coming soon, prepare light the torch raise the plume, prepare the Savior’s on the way,  prepare The Lord of Hosts is here to stay….prepare the end is coming soon.   Prepare light the torch seal the gloom…prepare the end is on the way..prepare the Lord of all is coming soon.  Once the 144 leave the earth God will take something else from the Earth…either His divine presence (HIndus call it he Bimba) God forbid or His Holy Spirit to be had for men.  I am guessing He will take the later because without His divine presence men will lose all Hope and want to die.

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The Earth is now The Lord’s Threshing Floor

I Jazweeh received a song today from The Spirit of The Lord in both English and in a Higher tone and language.  The song’s interpretation was present as well as the mystery of God and His threshing floor.

“Protect us Father from thy threshing floor.  Deliver us Father from thy threshing floor.”

End Times Destruction, Locust, Spiders, and The Seal of God

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Bible Studies Legally Banned in the United States 2018

The two following stories of recent banning of family and fellowship Bible studies is not only a terrible threat to our freedom but also it’s a horrifying sign of the times we are entering into.  It’s just another fulfilled prophecy about end times and the coming dark events.  If not for the silver white lining of the return of Jesus our King I would be really sad and depressed about this.  But God has told us what is in store and He said that we should be able to tell just what time it is like we can read the coming weather.

It’s one thing hearing about persecution abroad and quite another watching the United States become Christophoebic. For the 16th year in a row, North Korea tops the list of 50 countries ranked for the worst persecution of Christians in the world, according to the Christian watchdog organization Open Doors USA.

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Mandela Bible Change Logue

At this point I will be posting new changes at https://www.abominationdesolation.com/supernatural-kjv-bible-changes-log-2020/

Most of the changes in the log are referred to in King James Version only.

Perhaps instead of covering the grammar errors, sentence structure mistakes, new words, fake words, new verses, blasphemous verses, anti God scripture, anti men scripture, sexualized scripture, mocking and winky scriptures  I should instead cover the Truth that is left in the KJVB because the un-corrupted scripture in the book are now far less in number than the corrupt text.   Do you think I am kidding?  Exaggerating maybe?  Not so.

I didn’t Expect they would make the KJV Bible changes this extreme and this fast.  I didn’t expect it to become so unholy so fast.

When I first saw the changes mounting up they were exciting, stimulating, shocking, and opened up the possibility of being in end times for me anyway.  After all my “holy place” was always the KJVB.  And now it is desecrated and quickly on the way to desolation.  Meaning no wise or anointed words left.

My God, If these Christians still Idolize the book after this stuff….STUDY

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