I met a man yesterday who in the 80s and early 90s was living a life much the same as the life I had lived. We had many things in common such as Cocaine addiction, sexual debauchery, near death and death experiences, paranoia induced by Cocaine and more. Cocaine abuse inherently includes much debaucherous sex or like sex acts. Often it distorts the natural desires into something ugly and deformed.
Russian Backed Iran is Coming to the U.S. Prophecy of Demise
The warring enemy comes to our homeland by permission of our greatest leaders to hewn down with extreme prejudice the Christians and global agenda dissidents and freedom fighters.
How will this lopping off of Christian heads begin in America the home of the free allegedly? One it’s coming this month if not this week. Two the 144 are out of here, sorry but the restrainers are leaving. The warnings will be quieted, no more watchmen on the wall, not real one’s anyway. Times up for the first rapture.
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Jeff Snyder- “The Father of Lies Vs. The Spirit of Truth”
Spinning lies or proclaiming truth?

R u upside down in your loan received upon entry into this world that is payable on death? The cover charge to get in this club isn’t cheap so I think I’ll use my gifts a while longer to pay back the interest to the loan giver, then the rest of my life experience here on Earth is paid for free and clear.
It would seem that my friends and family have forged an alliance, a united front to enact sanctions against Jeff and enforce a truth embargo to contain and prevent dissemination of his recent discoveries. This type of group
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Jazweeh was shown Various After Life, After Death Dwelling Places
The Land of shadows.
The Land of Shadows is for the worshipers of Baal. You may say “oh, nobody worships Baal these days”. First let me define Baal worship. Any God that is NOT either The Most High God The Father or The Son Jesus Christ who is worshiped by humans is considered “Baal”. It is a “strange god”. If you reject Jesus and are not born again, yet you consider yourself spiritual and maybe you call God “the universe” or “the great spirit” or “higher power” or anything along those lines and are not given to The Word of God who is Jesus Christ then you are a Baal worshiper.
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How to Receive the Gift of Powerful Tongues
You can easily look up tongues related scripture. There are several examples
- speaking to God a language know only to God
- Speaking to foreigners in their own tongue.
- speaking in languages of men and angels which means perhaps sending angels as Jesus did.
- A more perfect prayer.
- Casting out of demons
Every good and heavenly gift comes from above from The Father of Lights through the name of Jesus. Pray also for the gift of interpretation so you know for sure the topic of your prayers in tongues.
Raise your hands and arms in complete submission. This is KEY. Now begin thanking Jesus in the name of Jesus. Repent of all sins. Set your heart on Jesus, tell Him you won’t make it in this end times without His Holy Spirit.
It’s that simple. Keep this up and YOU WILL receive salvation, The Holy Spirit, and gifts of The Spirit that are akin to your own calling and personality.
The Mark of the Beast, What to Expect
It breaks my heart to see the children in the grocery store buying poison food. They have no clue as to what High Fructose Corn Syrup will do to their endocrine system.
Repentance, an Ugly Word or a Gracious Gift
I want to share with you what I learned of my own emotional patterns in case you can relate. I must be careful as the only unforgivable sin in the Holy Scripture is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. And Jesus gave the example of that right after He spoke of it. Which is attributing to Satan the things of The Holy Spirit. If Satan war against Satan his kingdom shall fall.
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The Solution to Guilt and Codependency
Herein lies not only the solution to guilt but also the reason for ongoing and debilitating guilt.
Other than the obvious going against our own heart’s voice which we call the conscience there are other macro reasons that we dance in a cycle of on-going guilt which can cause symptoms such as:
- Codependency
- open and repetitive confession of guilt to other people as if they could somehow relieve our burden.
- Fishing for compliments or fishing for positive reinforcement by haphazard confessions.
- Publicly putting ourselves down.
- False humility.
- Ignorance of God’s plan to relieve guilt by confession to God and man. “Confess your sins one to another and pray one for another that you may be healed”.
- Ignorance of God’s written Word.
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Denial of true wrongs committed.
- Self loathing
- self pity
- Confusion