Eat Not Their Dainties While Sitting at the King’s Dinner Table eat not their delectables.
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Diabolical World
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диоболический мир
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dibolisk värld
A Frankenstein Story of Re-Creating Mankind In the Image of the Beast.
What is the game which those who are in power are playing? What if you could listen to their darkest secrets and know what plans they have for the human race?
What if…those plans were far, far, more diabolical than you thought possible for one race of men to unknowingly impart upon another? What if those in charge of many things that are powerful & controlling were into evil sorceries and witchcraft? What if magic is real? What if your caught under a spell called… Its a fairly important pre-requisite to know and see the through the strong delusion to get the big picture of the spiritual condition of our world now. see link.
Continue reading “Fiction or Fact? A Bedtime Story of Horror.”