End Times Signs and Wonders Are Coming to Pass Now (List)


Below is a List of Why Jazweeh & I Believe We are In the End Times and Jesus is Coming Soon.

If your here you likely one of the chosen few.  “Many are called but few are chosen”.  Why?  Because the writings on this website cannot be accepted as Truth by those who promote & believe the new gospel & the new Jesus.


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“Know Them By Who They SHOW You They Are______

Not by Who They taught you They Are in elementary school when you were both vulnerable and trusting.”   The Beast System Revealed.

Those who don’t know they have been programmed are the most deceived of all.

If you want to be safe from EMF cheaply, your going to have to study a bit.




EARTH Vibrates at mere 7.83 hertz.

IF you can get through this article, the photos, and skim the links you will understand that WiFi, cell phones, routers, microwave ovens, and other devices are lethal. I do mention here other extermination methods of the system but am not delving into them at depth here. If you read and study this article/links you will understand enough about frequencies to know that its no accident that people are getting Cancer.   New diseases will crop up looking like old diseases mainly the ones that are related to our own electromagnetic vibratory frequencies functions and the corruption thereof.

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Satan Evil God Righteous? Not according to the NEW BIBLE CHANGES

Wickedness=Evil, Good=Godly….Ah Not so much.  It’s now more of a case by case scripture by scripture viewpoint of evil=good, evil=bad=condemnation, & good=godly but also Evil=Godly Evil=blessed(not condemned) and  Evil=Holy.  God=Repents

Don’t expect your average Christian to notice that his KJV Bible has gone corrupt and upside down.  Oh no…..their hearts side with the blasphemous new changes therefore evil and revenge is right up their alley of favorites.  I searched the words “I and Evil” and came up with countless scripture of God not only doing evil upon hoards of His people but also He now claims to do all the evil that is.

So who is really the God of the Bible now?  One who states proudly that “all evil that exists is done by me”.  that’s right!

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Mandela Effect and Bible Changes ARE two Different Phenomena


I remember it this way:

“And may the Love of Our Lord Jesus Christ & the Peace that surpasses ALL EARTHLY UNDERSTANDING guide your hearts and minds into ALL TRUTH.”

Maybe I am misremembering eh?  Now the google go to definition of Mandela  effect is “False Memories”.  Yep just like that we are all considered dumb-asses who can’t remember much of anything in the Beast System’s attempts to explain away the “End Times Signs and Wonders” put forth by God Himself that men will wake up and be saved when they see history changed supernaturally.

Well Philippians 4:7 has lost much of its power whereas now it just says

“And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

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Led Zepplin Going to California Prophecy Decoded


Going to California Prophets of Song: Led Zepplin (and mind control for a generation of addicts)California will fall into the sea, this has been shown for eons.

Spend my days with a woman and kind
Smoked my stuff and drank all my wine.(drink drug its kool and good feels good to those who have been taught they are bad and wrong by the beast system in the 70s)

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New U.S. Land Mass after the Coming Wrath of God Event

Please prepare spiritually for the next 4 to 5 years will be a wild ride (we think).

After Pole Shift Occurs or Event of Biblical Proportions.

This is an approximate. I am going by memory of a vision. I must also add that Florida was somehow further North than shown.  Therefore the southern, NEW coastline may actually be about 70 Miles  lower 1/2 way into Texas and parallel.  But to get the Florida coast right and to get the shape correct…I could not move Florida, Texas, Mississippi, Alabama and so on further north as they appeared in my vision.

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Unusual Flooding in the U.S. & a Future Prediction of a “NEW MISSOURI”

Mainstream news as always is minimizing this little factoid of record flooding in the U.S. 2019 NOW over multiple states.   I can’t seriously believe anybody still depends on mainstream news.  Lets face it folks, if we want truth we must dig.  And we have become …..I dare say lazy because of our perception of the news coming to us in one fell swoop called CBS and the rest.  We have to use 1. a different search engine than google then we must read uhg!  There is a youtube channel I have heard is very good with keeping up with true weather but it will scare the …out of you at https://www.youtube.com/user/MyanmarLiving/videos



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Are there any True Prophets in our Time? I believe so.

From Jazweeh.  Jazweeh is led by God (she believes) to exhibit this woman who is on Youtube sharing her Dreams and Visions of End Times.

This is not to puff up but rather to ENCOURAGE and share in hopes that others will watch and see her.  Jazweeh has watched Kerry-Ann for over a year and has confirmed her as authentic believer and as in TRUTH.  Jesus is The Truth.

God has labeled her “Regal” which me and Jazweeh had to look up to find what it means.  It’s pretty amazing, quite a title to be blessed with of God.

“REGAL”  a SONG RE-WRITTEN for you, from wordly to Godly, from carnal to Regal.


Name is linked to channels on YT

Prophetess Dream & Visions End time Visonist and Regal

What is a godly Regal?

of, resembling, or fit for a monarch, especially in being magnificent or dignified.
“her regal bearing”
synonyms: majestic, fit for a king/queen/prince/princess, grand, impressive, imposing, splendid, superb, magnificent, noble, proud, stately, dignified, exalted, glorious, striking, spectacular, awe-inspiring, breathtaking, sumptuous, opulent, fine, luxurious, deluxe, lavish, resplendent, monumental, palatial, august, distinguished, great;

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A Recovered Addicts View of The Beast System

The Beast System Envelopes Earth

Self Loathing is by design

What this article really is, is my great awakening catalogued for you to see in plain sight.  This is 4 years of research and revelation I give you.  It’s very scary and very true.  Pray for faith so you can bear it.

NEWS FLASH!  Satan IS the ruler of this world and YOU were/are an addict by design.  The more abuse you endured in the formative and teen years the more likely your calling from God IS.  Were you targeted?  Did the voices in your head tell you “your a piece of shit”?   The dark side fears you because God will give you POWER & MIGHT if you seek Him.

You are not ultimately responsible for who you were as an addict, or who you have become.  But you ARE responsible for learning, & changing.

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DEW or Directed Energy Weapons. THE BATTLE IS AT HAND

Be Angry and Sin Not

Forgive my angry tone.  I am obviously frustrated because so few Christians see we are at war for our souls and our bodys now.

Most Believers are Blind to Spiritual Warfare

I asked God “What % of Christians are fighting in the battle at hand?”  I saw a number in my head that said “less than 1% even know they are under attack”.

Supernatural Bible Changes are happening daily

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How to Reverse the Indoctrination Process of Brainwashing that Makes us Sick and Angry


Disclaimer:  These solutions will not be as effective without God at the helm. Pray first for healing and guidance.  

In the U.S. we are programmed with the “I AM BAD AND WRONG” indoctrination first and foremost.  This is the “demoralization process” which readies us for the rest of the sick programs they shove down our throats without our knowledge.  “My people are destroyed all the day long for lack of knowledge.”  See more on how we were programmed?

It took me over 12 years sober/clean after years in addiction and near death trauma to finally realize why I did not want to feel and why I was so ashamed of who I was.   I wore an emotional mask hiding my heart for shame of me, to the point of near self-destructive annihilation.

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