Here is one of the rings of power from Hobbit movie.I believe there is some truth in the movie. However I also believe the “5” rings of power are wheels and look more like the farris wheel shown. These wheels are large and owned by the five families of power.
Now, these five families of power unfortunately have united to use their wheels together instead of the years of fighting against one another. They are united. This is my theory on how the strong delusion has been cast over most Christians. They are blind sheep because they do not see the changes to the book. The book has become to them idolatry because they side with lies rather than truth. Jesus is the Truth. The Bible is corrupt and should be treated as such. Preachers who have studied the scripture for years and memorized it HAVE NO CLUE OF THE THOUSANDS OF CORRUPT CHANGES. Nor do they notice that now the book promotes hate over Love. The “abomination desolation” used to say “abomination desecration” has come to pass. Our Bible KJV God’s words are desecrated and only a small remnant remember the words as they were. (by the way now “remnant” is “residue” REALLY? So annoying!)
Back in 2002 when I hit rock bottom at the edge of total self destruction I went to AA and desperately sought God at every turn. One of the MOST important exercises that change my self identity was meditation. During meditation as often as possible I would go over the GOOD things I had done that week or that day for my healthy self recovery. This had to be repeated at least 5 times a week for seven years before my heart finally believed that I am a blessed child of God deserving of His Love and GOOD.
Men’s Hearts Shall Fail for Fear for what is coming upon the Earth
2020 1-11
I went out to dig in the earth beside the house. Perhaps I was gardening or maybe there was a sink hole starting. I uncovered a strange half plant half animal snake like/intestinal like white transparent very long about 1″ 1/2″ around in width. Hundreds of feet long. It was embedded into the earth and not moving.
When I hit it with a shovel I suddenly knew it was poison very poison acid gas inside of it.
I went to the porch and told my husband who is not my husband that there were strange happenings.
Suddenly a dove landed on my shoulder. It wanted protection. My cat tried to eat its head just like a Raccoon will do, go into a chicken coop and eat the heads off of 100 chickens leaving their bodies to rot.
I managed to keep the dove safe from my cat but it was very iffy, very dangerous for the bird.
Then I looked onto the porch and there was a 30 ft long green snake with a width of a foot around slithering past the porch. The green snake did not seem threatening even though it could easily kill two men at once.
I looked and there a horrid snake like creature ascended from below the earth. It was the color of rust. It was strange because it was many snakes in one. Do you know how a tree can grow together with many intwined stalks? This snake was as the stalks of a multi trunked tree.
It had no problem slithering quickly along. It was an abomination that should never see the Earth’s topside.
It was shorter than the green snake. It was about twelve to fifteen foot in length(approx) but very thick and strong like the thighs of ten men wound together who have been on muscle enhancing drugs for a year. It’s detestable its body was disgusting to me even now. It was very strong. Stout. And it was coming for us to eat. It was hungry.
Suddenly I saw a gator like the Gators in the Paynes prairie before it was all water. The gators are two foot wide the largest I have ever seen. Unlike the gators in the Hillsborough river we used to see all the time when we water skied past them.
The shorter copper snake grabbed the gator in its mouth and squashed it to kill then eat.
I knew then we MUST fortify the house with metal. I looked at the doors of my house and I actually do have a metal door in real life. But in the dream my doors were like my parents double doors that have no security even when they are locked there is a gap between them and you could easily push through the doors.
I fumbled to try to make them more secure by a floor attachment that goes to them. It was not working. My house looked different at that point, more like a nicer trailer by less secure.
That was the end of the dream
I always though it would be what is above that would make the earth unlivable for 1/3 of humanity. And perhaps it will. But I believe hell is rising.
Luke 21:25
“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;”
Luke 21:26
“Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.”KJV
Something will take place on the earth that allows that which is in the Earth to come to the surface without being destroyed by the sun’s heat and light.
The gentle animals of the earth will be the first to be destroyed by what comes out of the ground. Next these creatures will hunger after humans.
Partly I believe Mad Scientists have mixed PLANTS & ANIMALS together genetically and many of these creatures will somehow ESCAPE from wherever they are held captive to now.
The mad scientist depending on electricity and generators to keep security on the DNA mixed mish mash of creatures plants and animal, animal and human, human and plant UHG will be abolished by a long term loss of power in the lands.
Scientists shall abandon their posts along with security people who will have to abandon their vows to service to save their own families.
Picture it straight out of a horror film.
The true believers will have certain power over the creatures but I am not clear on weather or not they can be bound like demons can.
I don’t know. 1/3 of the earth, water, green grass, and humans will be destroyed. Father has NOT been in a hurry to bring this prophecy about. Well, He is not the one really who will do the destruction and killing. It will be by the hand of man due to great acts of God the systems of men will not hold up under God’s thunder and shaking.
Dream 12-05-2019 Survival in End Times Great Tribulation
I went to sleep with the fear of 666 and Kim Jung Un Leader of North Korea on the white horse trimmed in gold. Could it be he who wars against the U.S.? I got very tired during the day and had an explicit dream.
I was at an apartment in a large complex with an old friend who I knew in real life back in my drug addicted days. She was a brazen woman sinful to the core in real life. We had met in high school back in 1976. I have been clean and sober for over 15 years in real life, yet…in this dream I was snorting Cocaine and coveting it.
Snorting Coke and Getting Rejected by friends
In the dream there was a man who had a vile of Cocaine that he was doling out to us. He layed down on the couch and it fell to the floor. I picked up the vile. When I tried to give it back to him he had me dole it out to Shelly Davidson my old friend and myself. We snorted lines. She wanted more, more, more. Then I saw two black girls in the apartment as well. They wanted to take a ride somewhere. I went to go with them but suddenly they rejected me. They would no let me go with them. They left me in the dark apartment complex alone. I knew it was dangerous and an evil dark place. They drove off.
Lost and Mistaken
I tried to make my way back to the apartment with the man and the coke but all the buildings looked the same. The hallways looked as if they were part of the apartments. I walked up to one hallway and said “Oh this is your apartment” but it was just an entrance-way. The people there were black also and unfriendly. It was as if in this place whites are hated by blacks openly, openly hated.
The Attack of the Zombies
There were innocent children all over by themselves with no parents around. They feared the zombies but were somehow surviving. Beautiful children in the dream but I felt there was nothing I could do to help them. One small girl was wearing blue and white and she glowed, her hair blowing in the wind like a scene from some soft light movie. Weird very weird.
Everyone around/outside knew the zombies were coming and we had to hide. For some reason the dream switched from day to night. Day when I saw the children outside and night when I was stuck outside, lost.
I feared the zombies, so I hid along a lower level dirt wall the zombies were above on the ground. But there was a woman with them, she was a human yet she helped the evil man eaters. She also was dressed in blue and white. She looked just like this famous photo.
Human Girl who was on the side of the Zombies looked much like this.
As I hid I heard the zombie men leaving but the human girl kept sniffing around above me. Like a scene from Soilent Green she sniffed me out. She was a traitorous woman.
Switch seen- Suddenly I was in a big cafeteria setting with a bunch of friends. I was protected and among people who were like me. The woman in blue and white had infiltrated into our safe place. I then told the people she was a traitor. Seems somehow I had escaped the zombies.
When I pointed to the girl in blue and white whose colors were a deception being Jesus wears blue and white in my visions. She was mascarading as a believer and as a human who doesn’t eat humans. The security team in the safe place cafeteria apprehended her immediately.
That’s the dream folks. I am sure it represents the great tribulation. And represents the betrayal of the Christians. We the people are survivors and this is a survival dream.
There was no police, no government around, and there was no military that we could see. However I get the feeling that our military will overcome some attack in the future. Just a feeling. End Dream.
Dream about President Trump and Commentary
And Did Trump Proclaim to Be The Chosen One in front of God and man? Short answer-Yes. And in a very strange way he did.
I had a dream that Trump the president nearly killed himself piloting his own airplane but as it dove down, down, down, at last minute he pulled up. Here is a fulfillment of prophecy today as Trump not only tweets the words a quote of a radio host praising Trump as a god and basically savior to the Jews and such as that. The host of radio last name “Root” praised Trump as a god and Trump Tweeted what Root proclaimed word for word to show the world…odd. Trump also today during interview with news media turned to the left away from the crowd and looked UPWARD to the sky and said “I am the Chosen one.” then looked back facing forward…is this prophecy fulfilled?
Look how they portrayed Trump in Italy at a festival
Dream on 08-21-2019
I feel like I had been in this dream place before. I often have a dream about a fair or fun park.
James Belushi one of the elite
But in this dream James Belushi the actor was a high end elite, one of those in the know. In his world instead of being brainwashed of how worthless we are by the beast system they learn as children just the opposite. They are so important, so special, the whole world basically depends on their action. And if they don’t rule the world it will fail and they MUST keep the slaves in check and keep their masses down. Furthermore in this world of J. Belushi he was a businessman of sorts competing with other “TOP” men. Men who have no soul or compassion. Men who just want to WIN. Its in their blood.
Belushi got a promotion because of a great business transaction that he completed. Apparently he was invited to some grand festive event to take place at a green house.
The Elite Own all the Best Land but they want more
Also in the dream the elite had homes that had lower level elite care takers. These were immaculate homes that basically no one lives in year round except one caretaker who makes sure its not seen as empty and fall prey to maroders.
A woman, some rejected daughter of an elitist took care of this house. I fell to temptation as I wanted what she had. I wanted this beautiful materialistic house in my dream.
So the elite have hundreds of thousands of these homes around the world set in only the best lands. Private lands, and public lands both. But now I am getting that they have who neighborhoods of private lands where the serpent beings rome free to be who they are.
This particular home in the dream was set up just for one yearly festival event. All those specially attuned by servitude of the right variety to stardom and grace (not God’s Grace mind you) to be bestowed by the leaders get to attend the “event festival” in the “Green House”. But its not a greenhouse with plants. You know how the elite love word play. It’s the Green House literally.
Like in the Dream the long-standing TV Show “Charmed” Episode Nexus-
The basement is the lowest level of the manor where the sisters store old furniture and objects and acts as a gate to the Nexus below the manor.
Its an old home with a very dark basement. It reminded me of the house in “Charmed” that the creature in the basement came up from the ground because the house was built on a special ley line. Or whatever they call it, not fault line, ahhhhh special geographic ley lines such as the Prime Meridian…Ley Lines!
Description of the True Elite (Rage tangent sorry)
All the elites lands and houses are built on ley lines that mean something to the Earths layout. Just like the pyramids are on ley lines of perfection.
The elite come to worship their serpent god therefore they use every ancient knowledge they have been able to get their hands on to the fullest extent of its value. By generational projects of geography and transitory necessity they have hoarded all great knowledge on EArth. They have hidden every proof of God and lied about all geography, history, math, and whatever lie the slaves are blind enough to believe they tell it on TV & Media.
While they themselves take the power of the ages and use it against man and God. They make preparations to war against God Himself. They hate the sheep. They mock the Lions, and they make light of the Lambs. While they change the formerly sacred book into “A Book of Fables”.
Their old men receive honors and blood to restore their very youth. They have cures for every disease known to man (pretty much) and they create disease to kill the populations of the earth especially , especially the black man whom they consider an insect, propazoid, mistake of nature, abomination, they are the ultimate regal predators. They eat heads for lunch. They dine on your babies. They infiltrate your nurseries and daycares by buying whatEVER they want. They have corrupted mankind by using greed and usery.
I Repent
I regret to admit that I wanted what they have materialistically in the dream. I repent of this envy. I repent of this green greed now and here also before all of my readers I confess the sin of envy, lust, greed, and wantonness.
For my Father has said (I believe) “Do not covet what the evil creature/man has, lest ye fall under its spell of envy, greed, pomp, and blindness and lose your very soul.)
“Guard over your heart for out of it burst the well springs of Life itself.”
So then the preparation was being made for the next festival event in the green house. Perhaps the “Nexus” is Imhotep from The Mummy, Ancient of Daysas they called it (now word insert calls Jesus A.O.D which is an abomination), and Nimrod reborn.
The woman house caretaker seemed as if she was drugged/spiritually blind. She had long brown hair and dressed in full length dresses from designs of the 1800s.
For some reason she always wore long dresses. I saw her in the basement of the green house and the serpent owners of the house came to prepare for the event. She was taboo, and unacceptable to them for some reason. It was if she had been disfellowshipped from their hierarchy.
The Serpents Turn to Vampires
It gets blurry from here but it seems that all the sudden the serpents were now blood sucking vampires. Ten or so of them stood in the basement and they found out that the woman caretaker had befriended a regular/slave and allowed the slave to inhabit the beautiful home with here. In the dream I felt like I was the friend and they were going to kill me. But at the same time it was as if I was watching a movie and would remain safe from them.
They were about to kill the woman’s friend when a warlock showed up. He was very personable, good looking, magnanimous, and entertaining. They always wear hats. The magician always wears a hat for concealing.
Just as the serpents were about to kill the woman’s friend but the magician suddenly stepped in and killed ALL THE SERPENT BEINGS.
The serpent beings appear as men but they are like men shaped dark green snakes.
The enemy of my enemy is not my friend
The magician was very evil and powerful. He was an enemy of the serpent people. I feel like he is the enemy of the serpent people in real life.
He destroyed the serpent men as they were about to kill the visitor/friend of the woman. Magician seemed invisible to the serpents. He smiled at me as if to say, “see I am the enemy of your enemy therefore you can trust me and I am your friend.”
However the purpose of the scene was to show me a warning. The enemy of my enemy is not my friend. There are great factions of evil fighting against evil to rule the real world.
Know this, the enemy of our enemy is very evil. The magician who betrays the serpent’s will, I believe, usher in the antiChrist in real life, who is biblically labelled “the man of sin”.
The Anti-Christ Rein is Coming
The serpents rein is coming to an end as the anti-Christ power, the true “ancient of days” PLEASE! Ancient of days is a term used for evil. Now it appears in the Bible recently. This phrase just appeared in the KJVB Not more than a few months ago. Do you remember it as always being a term for Jesus? If so you are sadly under the strong delusion and MUST repent for not Loving Truth and for taking off your belt of Truth which made you vulnerable.
Do you have lies in your past that are justified in your heart? And yet you claim to have open eyes? What do you think the armor is for? Siding with the lie is much more subtle than most realize. Do you perceive to see how lies have protected you in the past? Have you lied to keep yourself safe from something? We ALL HAVE. Have you lied to protect someone? It doesn’t matter unless it was done out of pure Love and I don’t know if that is even really possible because Love doesn’t Lie. I don’t know if any lie can be justified ever. DO NOT RISK IT.
This is the abomination desecration (as it used to say in KJVB now is changed to abomination desolation). Also “standing in the Holy place” according to strong’s even though “standing” is changed to “stand” about 6 months ago. Strong’s refers to the term “Holy place” as “passage in a book”. GO FIGURE. BUT WE THOUGHT IT WAS A THIRD TEMPLE!
It very well could be a dual prophecy ad mean temple and Bible both as both shall most likely be desecrated at some point.
End Dream
The WarLock, Sorcerer, Enemy of my enemy magician.
Another OBMA Dream
Dream 8-16-201
Obama Brown Serpent
Obama had a white Son with a stomach appendage like in the strain. I was trying to get close to Obama to get info about his plans. He was again in a position of great authority. HIs son used the appendage to tickle stomach with something unatural like the strain that comes out of their stomach and they feed with it.
I spoke to him in a language it scared him and he said “who taught you that” the phrase “El Condor De Noche” but I spoke it in yet another language in the dream that I cannot write. Then I interpreted it in the dream “the dark night is in you” and “you are of the dark night” and “the dark night predictor is in you”
Short synopsis of article: God revealed “Talents” really means talents & spiritual gifts.
This prediction has come to pass already and is happening now. So expect new supernatural abilities.
God has fulfilled the parable of the Talents. Talents means Spiritual Gifts not money. So, according to Jazweeh’s experience and her dream, God has removed the supernatural gifts from those who abuse, neglect, and deny their supernatural gifts and in turn He has given the gifts/talents to those who will use the talent, gift, for God’s Glory.
Also Bible words like “talents” were redefined to change Bible meanings.
I submit to you by leading of The Holy Spirit and common god-sense that sounds in nature are both healing and relaxing. And below is a link about studies that prove the theory. I especially like the many loud beetle type creatures that send out frequencies in the morning at sunrise in Florida woods.
Ever notice the odd feeling of loneliness and even hopelessness when a LOUD-ASS train goes down the tracks 20 to even 50 miles away and you can hear their lonely tone.
Numbered list is borrowed from This is a practical easy to read guide to end times signs. But let’s not forget the Abyss opening and the Locust from the pit ascending. Along with end times signs and wonders & deceptive signs & deceiving miracles by the son of Satan. Mark of the beast of which no one can buy or sell, a great falling away from The Church,
Well….the “chosen” come out of great tribulation in this life. They are overcomers.
The majority of Christians and non Christians alike for that matter would not know a 144 chosen of God even if they were pointed out and defined for them. Why? Because church and status quo has bent the minds of the masses and set their brains on edge.
1Pe 2:9
“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into his glorious light”.
The “called” have the same beginning tribulations and the same opportunities as the chosen but take a different path than the chosen. The chosen, when buried in great perplexity seek God diligently, they put their faith in God heavily seeking relentlessly for deliverance by Him and they put their confidences in some carnal helps and resources.
“If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.”
Wait a minute! This 100 year old bible of grandpa’s that has changed on the shelves DID NOT SAY TO “HATE” ANYBODY but NOW it does. CAn you say “New Gospel”?
Is Bible Prophecy being fulfilled by Turkey & France?
I was updating my political insight about the Turkey end time wrath of God even prediction and found this compelling prophecy video about end times prophecy fulfillment and educational info.
If this is your video and you object to this post please email Jazweeh at Personally I think Macron is a better candidate for antichrist but I have more to learn on the topic than this highly educated preacher newsman.
We will never get to heaven by human perfection or stealthy carnal knowledge and performance. Do not be an actor in God’s sight. We shall never get into God’s best friend club by sanctimonious actions. We must not act our way into the best roll of Christian behavior. God sees our heart, we must not play a roll to Him. God is not simple to be manipulated and fooled. Even Dracula repented at the end in my two favorite Dracula 2000 & Bram Stoker’s Dracula.