Signs & Wonders Is Hell Real? Bible Changes. Patience of the Saints.

Short answer—YES.    But Hell is not like the preacher presents it AT ALL.   The Patience of The Saints

Hell is much like Earth with it’s comings and goings and people.

In this article by Jazweeh are analogies of Heaven & Hell.  They are informed spiritual theories not “thus sayeth The Lord”.  None of the predictions on any of my sites are ‘thus sayeth the Lord’. Rather writings are based on my many years of seeking out the things of God and becoming the clay in His hands.

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Rapture in the Months of Leo

Jazweeh Gets a Vision Confirmed by a dream

Have you had a vision or dream about a prayer rug?

2021 Update. It's August 22 and we are still here. Uhg. Month of Leo is soon to pass. Perhaps its best if we don't expect a rapture? Why? Because we just don't know if or when a rapture event would come. Perhaps we should focus on 2024 in the hopes of Jesus' return. We all must do what we can to keep ourselves emotionally healthy. How do we live with one foot in the hereafter and one foot in Earth's carnal realm? Hope. Faith. Keep the Faith, keep the Hope even if we have a lifetime to wait we must keep our Hope in Jesus, in God's mercy. Signs are everywhere but we just don't know what "He's returning soon" really means. Even the 2024 is just a guess.

Just a day or two ago Jazweeh went before the throne of God in a vision and asked-

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Intercessors Now Torch Bearers Announce Jesus’ Return

To the True Intercessory Prayer Warriors of The Creator of the Heaven’s and the Earth

The links in this article are to articles about the topic on the link.

What is Spirit Lead Intercessory prayer?

Who am I addressing this to?  Those who have the gift of tongues by which they pray in depth on what they are lead and can also pray on any topic with the gift.  The gift is subject to the man not the other way around.  Not to say that those intercessors cannot receive the “burden” to pray for a soul, they have.

I wrote an article alerting believers of a change happening to the intercessors.  These intercessors who once prayed in deep lamentation, supplication & labor by burdens from The Holy Spirit birthing deliverance for lost souls.

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