America? Tru News Article

Put Those Who Don’t Comply with Instructions from the Image of The Beast

ANY Christian minister who says “The back scene is not the M.O.T.B” is not your friend.  Why?  Because even if I had not been given the word “zebra” as a confirmation from God that the back scene is in fact tmofb… I would still never tell anyone that “this or that is not the mark”.   Because what if I was wrong?  Then I am leading people blindly to the death of their own soul.  Its better to say “this thing is the mark” and be wrong–no harm done.  But when I say its not the mark and it is…bad idea.

If a preacher says this or that is not the mark they are encouraging people to take “this or that” because people assume “well, the preacher said it’s not the mark and he should know, right?” Anyone who cares for the well being of the masses would not advertise ANYTHING as NOT BEING THE MARK.


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Is The United States Under Seige? Why are the Marines on High Alert?

They say The UN is at war with Donald Trump and his Supporters

Jazweeh suspects that a financial collapse will engage the military to disarm U.S. citizens.  They will use the “its for your own protection, we are preventing a civil war.”

Obviously this line “for your own protection” is always and will be total bullshit.  Our government was corrupted a very very long time ago IF it was EVER legit at all.

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“Government” defined as “Mind Control” Etymology from Latin/French

Now here is my take on what I think “Government” and its translation into Latin is. What I did was split the word into two and looked for the closest Latin matches “gubernare” for Govern and “mentis” for the suffix or ending –ment.

Here is where it gets really interesting.

“Gubernare” means to control
• conjugation: 1st conjugation
1. steer, drive, pilot, direct, manage, conduct, guide, control, govern”…

And now for the Suffix “mentis” means mind.

• declension: 3rd declension
• gender: feminine
1. courage
2. mind
3. plan, intention, frame of mind
4. reason, intellect, judgment…

I might be reaching way out there but could the word “Government” be more blat