Copy & Paste Gospel

Please Quit Reciting the Copy Paste Gospel of Obligation Message to subscribers on YouTube who are ALREADY SAVED.

What if your algebra teacher kept teaching you 1+1=2 every day for all your college days?  What if your English teacher kept teaching you the abc’s in every grade level you attend as if you didn’t know it by heart already?
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Repentance, an Ugly Word or a Gracious Gift


I want to share with you what I learned of my own emotional patterns in case you can relate.   I must be careful as the only unforgivable sin in the Holy Scripture is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. And Jesus gave the example of that right after He spoke of it. Which is attributing to Satan the things of The Holy Spirit. If Satan war against Satan his kingdom shall fall.

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The Solution to Guilt and Codependency

Herein lies not only the solution to guilt but also the reason for ongoing and debilitating guilt.

Other than the obvious going against our own heart’s voice which we call the conscience there are other macro reasons that we dance in a cycle of on-going guilt which can cause symptoms such as:

  1. Codependency
  2. open and repetitive confession of guilt to other people as if they could somehow relieve our burden.
  3.  Fishing for compliments or fishing for positive reinforcement by haphazard confessions.
  4. Publicly putting ourselves down.
  5. False humility.
  6. Ignorance of God’s plan to relieve guilt by confession to God and man.  “Confess your sins one to another and pray one for another that you may be healed”.
  7. Ignorance of God’s written Word.
  8. Depression
  9. Anxiety
  10. Denial of true wrongs committed.
  11. Self loathing
  12. self pity
  13. Confusion

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