“Government” defined as “Mind Control” Etymology from Latin/French

Now here is my take on what I think “Government” and its translation into Latin is. What I did was split the word into two and looked for the closest Latin matches “gubernare” for Govern and “mentis” for the suffix or ending –ment.

Here is where it gets really interesting.

“Gubernare” means to control
• conjugation: 1st conjugation
1. steer, drive, pilot, direct, manage, conduct, guide, control, govern”


And now for the Suffix “mentis” means mind.

• declension: 3rd declension
• gender: feminine
1. courage
2. mind
3. plan, intention, frame of mind
4. reason, intellect, judgment


I might be reaching way out there but could the word “Government” be more blat

October 2021 is the Date of the U.S. Financial Crash

I said this failed.  I was wrong.  After Trump left office the economy did go to shit.  My own income was cut in half and worse since 2021.  The prediction was right on I just had not seen it yet when I wrote “failed prediction”.

The prediction has not failed but THE RAPTURE DATE DID FAIL.  I apologize, it was an educated guess/feeling.  I thought it would happen.__________Angry Jane admits a failed prediction.   Remember we do not prophecy “thus sayeth The Lord” we only use informed guesswork.

Angry Jane’s failed financial collapse guessing game.


Expect a financial Crash in October yea October two thousand and twenty one.

Think mayhem from starving people.  Think total change of currency and international bailout under certain conditions.  Think loss of sovereignty.  Think new rulers.

Jazweeh heard “once you see the fall of Turkey (that is predicted on this website) in two posts part 1 and 2

The return of Christ prediction is for 2024 April 8th.  This date was off by probably just a few months.  I am guessing by the end of June the harvest will be full. This Earth will soon be empty of people.

Why do I still believe Jesus is returning?  Because The Spirit says so.  And because of four out of body dream/visions I had back in the early 90s.  The intercessors are commissioned to announce His Soon Return in Spirit to all the world.  What they pray goes out in Spirit and manifests in the natural.  Plus we see the prophecies of Jesus coming to pass.

Continue reading “October 2021 is the Date of the U.S. Financial Crash”

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Stated Trump could be Savior of the Jewish People

During an interview by Christian Broadcasting Network ex CIA Director & New Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was asked
“Could it be that President Trump right now has been sort of raised for such a time as this, just like Queens Esther, to help save the Jewish people from the Iranian menace?”

He replied “As a Christian, I certainly believe that’s possible.”

CBN’s Chief Political Analyst

Continue reading “Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Stated Trump could be Savior of the Jewish People”