Would you Follow the The Golden Book Anywhere?

Many will follow the Golden Calf of a book into Hell cosigning ANYTHING is says including hate, blasphemy, cannibalism, and a god who deceives his people.

The book now mocks Christians at every turn of the page.


Let me put this juggernaut story simply for my readers.
A juggernaut is blind spiritual devotion to follow and serve God that goes sideways.   The worship becomes the very thing that destroys the man’s soul.

Historically a huge idol is put on a wagon and paraded through the land. The people intending to worship God instead physically follow the idol and in the procession are subsequently crushed by the wagon wheels that carries the huge heavy idol. So by blind devotion men are crushed.

Would a God of Love say this?

“If any man hate not his mother father sisters brother etc etc he cannot follow me”.

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Mandela Effect and Bible Changes ARE two Different Phenomena


I remember it this way:

“And may the Love of Our Lord Jesus Christ & the Peace that surpasses ALL EARTHLY UNDERSTANDING guide your hearts and minds into ALL TRUTH.”

Maybe I am misremembering eh?  Now the google go to definition of Mandela  effect is “False Memories”.  Yep just like that we are all considered dumb-asses who can’t remember much of anything in the Beast System’s attempts to explain away the “End Times Signs and Wonders” put forth by God Himself that men will wake up and be saved when they see history changed supernaturally.

Well Philippians 4:7 has lost much of its power whereas now it just says

“And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

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