Be Careful who you try to Wake-Up! by Jeff Snyder & Laura E.

Be careful in who you try to wake up, there are many who react violently to an interruption of their slumber. Maybe just poke them a couple times and run away and then come back later to see if they’ve woken up after the seeds you planted took root once you were no longer in their presence and they didn’t have to deny deny deny when they’re alone at night in the presence of no one but themselves.

In the moment and in the presence of other people, there is a retaliatory reaction to defend, reaffirm and reinforce ones worldview from people who inject these foreign substances. It’s like a mental immune system that attacks with antibodies when you are injecting the foreign substance into their psychological immune system. So give them a couple pokes and move along but just like a parent waking up the teenager to go to school, don’t stand over them hovering or they will awaken with you in their sights as the Target and the reason for the way they feel. Allow them a few minutes to adjust and they become a much more pleasant person to be around and possibly even apologize for so rudely responding to your wake up call. ByJeff S.

Is the Great Awakening nearly complete. By Laura E.

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