They Did Not Build their House on the Rock

Many are Called But Few are Chosen

Mathew 7:25    “And the rain descended fell floods came, and the storms raged yet the house stood.  The strong winds blew, and beat upon that the house yet it did not falter.   For it’s foundation was founded built upon The Rock mighty and immovable!”  Jesus is The Rock and The Cornerstone.  He is our foundation, Faith in Jesus is our salvation. 

There is no idol, book, or statue, that takes the place of God in our heart.  He is our Father, our Comforter, Wonderful, Counselor, Savior.  We do not lean on empty doctrines of men for our comfort.   For neither height nor depth, angels or principalities, neither things past or present can remove us from the Love of God that is in Jesus our Savior.  The Word of God is written in our hearts.  God Himself put his inspired words in our hearts.  Jesus is The Word of God. And God’s inspired words to us lift us up, encourage, and strengthen our Faith.  The Holy Spirit leads us into all Truth.   

Either a man knows Jesus/God or he doesn’t.  God looks upon the heart.

My brothers and sisters who now understand the suffering of Jesus.  He suffered long before the cross enduring the company of the spiritually blind nearly all His life.  I wonder if He had even one person who He could relate to in spiritual matters.

“How long must I suffer with thee oh ye of little Faith?”

Continue reading “They Did Not Build their House on the Rock”

Intercessors Now Torch Bearers Announce Jesus’ Return

To the True Intercessory Prayer Warriors of The Creator of the Heaven’s and the Earth

The links in this article are to articles about the topic on the link.

What is Spirit Lead Intercessory prayer?

Who am I addressing this to?  Those who have the gift of tongues by which they pray in depth on what they are lead and can also pray on any topic with the gift.  The gift is subject to the man not the other way around.  Not to say that those intercessors cannot receive the “burden” to pray for a soul, they have.

I wrote an article alerting believers of a change happening to the intercessors.  These intercessors who once prayed in deep lamentation, supplication & labor by burdens from The Holy Spirit birthing deliverance for lost souls.

Continue reading “Intercessors Now Torch Bearers Announce Jesus’ Return”

The Age of Grace is OVER

What does this mean that the age of grace is over?

We are in end days.  The strong delusion is upon the many.  If you are one who sees the Bible changes you are a rarity and must protect yourself.  If you see the blasphemous scripture changes that change “bread” to “meat” in most places biblically and has changed Truth to lies as scriptures promoting us to stay in our sin by “let him who is unjust be unjust still” and so on, if you see it means you have Loved Truth and kept your belt of Truth ON most of the time anyway. Continue reading “The Age of Grace is OVER”