Update 2023 November 8. By further research I now see 2021 was the kickoff of the great tribulation on Earth. Since many just don’t see it and the events of disaster are often covered up and seldom reported on mainstream news channels well….it takes spiritual eyes to see the end of days.
2020/05/03 at 3:30 am Please remember predictions are not prophecy. For fulfilled predictions see the Random Rapid predictions.
There was a disaster in Paraguay on the date Jazweeh predicted.
Natural Disasters Monitoring – January 28, 2021
Severe Weather
On 28 January 2021, the Paraguay National Emergency Secretariat (SEN) reported heavy rain and overflow of the Pilcomayo river and the Gonzalez stream affecting 2,491 indigenous families in several communities of the Boqueron and Presidente Hayes departments, Paraguay. SEN will provide humanitarian assistance to 1,246 families of 23 communities in Presidente Hayes Department. The report is available in Spanish at: SEN.
Article #2 (Original prediction below) First the “UPDATE on this 28th prediction. By Jazweeh 1-29-2021”
The Prediction Failed we think. Because we misunderstood what the start of the Great Trib would entail. The next few months events will tell if the restrainer has really been removed.
Continue reading “January 28th, 2021 Full Wolf Moon-FAILED PREDICTION?”