Fiction or Fact? A Bedtime Story of Horror.

Eat Not Their Dainties While Sitting at the King’s Dinner Table eat not their delectables.

mundo diobolico

Diabolical World

lume diobolică

عالم ديوبوليكال

диоболический мир

diobolicheskiy mir

diobolský svet

saoghal dioblach

dibolisk värld

A Frankenstein Story of Re-Creating Mankind In the Image of the Beast.

What is the game which those who are in power are playing?  What if you could listen to their darkest secrets and know what plans they have for the human race?

What if…those plans were far, far, more diabolical than you thought possible for one race of men to unknowingly impart upon another?  What if those in charge of many things that are powerful & controlling were into evil sorceries and witchcraft?  What if magic is real?  What if your caught under a spell called…  Its a fairly important pre-requisite to know and see the through the strong delusion to get the big picture of the spiritual condition of our world now.  see link.


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What Is The Mark of The Beast? Anthony D. Williams Youtube

Important Video

FINALLY I believe I found some Truth on Youtube.

If Anthony (video) is correct remember this. God Almighty said He would forgive those in the last days when they repent of following the beast.  They were deceived, cunningly.

The forehead mark is a spiritually given mark of which man has not control over.  But the right arm was mentioned in script also before it was altered.  A second mark.  Just like there are two abomination desolations.  Two desecrated holy places.  One is hidden.  The other is told of in this video. He knew what the mark is. And then overnight he started calling it “money” he says now that money is the mark. What happened to him? A man who does countless videos of an absolute conclusion. Then overnight he sings with the rest of the watchmen “Its not the mark, its not the mark.” Maybe he is right.

Continue reading “What Is The Mark of The Beast? Anthony D. Williams Youtube”

Mark of the Beast Explained Back Scene Decoded

Written Feb. 2021    Well we are getting several of confirmations on the back scenes side attacks. Current date 4-8-2022.   See Rumble but don’t go there if you took the back scene.  Best those who took it stay in denial.  Ater all some are seemingly unaffected.

Update on the one shot J&J back scene.

They are labeling it as not being mRNA.  I find that interesting when its still giving directives to your DNA.  And its still entering the nucleus of your cells uninvited.  And its still using DNA as its catalyst.

To learn more study “viral vector vaccines”.  Its still doing an edit and using genetic material.  J&J’s Janssen is using a rarer adenovirus subtype, Ad26, in its COVID-19 vaccine

“The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is what’s called a viral vector vaccine.

To create this vaccine, the Johnson & Johnson team took a harmless adenovirus – the viral vector – and replaced a small piece of its genetic instructions with coronavirus genes for the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.

After this modified adenovirus is injected into someone’s arm, it enters the person’s cells. The cells then read the genetic instructions needed to make the spike protein and the vaccinated cells make and present the spike protein on their own surface. The person’s immune system then notices these foreign proteins and makes antibodies against them that will protect the person if they are ever exposed to SARS-CoV-2 in the future.”

How Dare the Talking Heads on TV say “the back scene will teach your immune system how to work on CV”.

“Our immune systems have quite literally taught these sinister drug company scientists how it works NOT the other way around.” Laura E

This article is choppy and very long but very informative.  It covers the back-scene that I believe is the mark of the beast written of in Revelation. Normally I would wait to publish and do more editing but this is important so I release the article as is.

CDC Covid 19 mRNA Back Scene Risks

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