Who Is Equipped Spiritually and Intellectually to Write Holy Books?

Angry Rant


Is it those who went to a beast system school and has letters after their name by status quo and hours they put in sitting in a classroom?

Or perhaps its those who say “I will be a priest and wield spiritual power over others to tell them what is and what should be”.  Or maybe its the police…after all they are the one’s who seem to have power over every man woman and child.  They decide who gets put behind bars and who doesn’t.

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Prediction Concerning The Twin Owls Formation at Lumpy Ridge

Prediction Given by The Holy Spirit Inspiration Concerning Rocky Mountain Splitting at the Twin Owls Formation

Could the new space weapon “rod of god” split a mountain?

Project Thor kinetic space weapon

Watch approx 50 seconds video for wrath of God topic of article.


This is Jazweeh’s most serious prediction because its already been confirmed by the way it came to her in stages.   I would even call it a prophecy.  This came to her first by a vision of what looked to her like twin peaks side by side one taller than the other.  She then saw it split straight down the center in here mind.  She saw also a huge angel with a grand silver speak set to separate the owls one from another as if separating a pair of attached twins.

Prediction received on 1-13-2020 fulfillment of prediction will be during the great tribulation in the next four years my guess.  Father did not give me a date.

Update 9-2020-Come to find out there is already a split rock on Mt. Horeb said to be split by Moses’s Staff when he brought forth water for the Israelites.  Amazing.

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