What Are Orbs, Plasmoids? And Harvest time is at Hand.

Written 12-26-2024  An article about Dreams/Orbs.  Unedited (I do apologize for typos)

Orbs or “Plasmoids” as the “they’s” have named them.  I have seen the orbs both at daylight and at night when they glow.  I saw a distorted face in the orb during the daylight hours.  I was lead to stop on on a back road to look at the sky for a time.  I saw an orb with strange distorted male face in it.  I thought it was a lost soul.  And it may well be part of it’s description.  But today during meditation I was doing a strange new type of lucid dreaming.  I was watching character prepare (in my soul) preparing for me to dream.  And these characters some of them were in a plasma orb just like what I saw in daylight.

Continue reading “What Are Orbs, Plasmoids? And Harvest time is at Hand.”

Real Life Phenomena in the Sky, Portals, Orbs w/Triangles in Sky

Jeff Snyder Videos

published March 24th, the same day that they erased my first channel I started relaunching the truth Revolution

Interdimensional dog fight with tr3b two orbs and one Death Star transiting solar portal

Space force in action, false alarm, Stand Down, Friendly’s all around

Neo Nazarene Christ supremacists have mind control over YouTube

Screeching Pinocchio’s in a chorus of truthers Part B

Screeching Pinocchio’s in a chorus of truthers part a

The Spiritual Veil is Rent (Ripped)

The Veil is Ripped

The Spiritual Veil that was placed by God for our safety and protection between Earth and the spirit realms has been compromised by mankind and fallen angel technology, I believe.  The veil that was “rent” when Jesus himself was crucified was spoken of as being in the Holy of Holies in the Temple building footnote (Mandela effect Bible changes now call it “holiest of all” or some crap).  The veil was placed to keep the spiritual realms at bay along with the unclean spirits that abide in places like the “In between” for those who died and are stuck between Earth and their next home due to some emotional hard wrench that is keeping them to confused to move on.

Continue reading “The Spiritual Veil is Rent (Ripped)”