Do Not Be Deceived Into Worshipping The Modi of Blood

Who is the “Modi”?  The modified Jesus.


The Blood God Modi

“Jesus did not come into the world to condemn mankind, but rather He came so mankind can be saved”.  God sent His only begotten Son into the world so we could believe in Him by putting our Faith in Him, seeking Him, & have Life more abundantly.”

Now that many Christians have taken the mark it seems their minds are going reprobate.  As the bibles magically change before the eyes of the children of God the supernatural & on going desecration of God’s words gets more and more blasphemous.  Even perilous.

Now that the bibles (babbles) are telling the many to take their Eternal Life bringing supernatural gift of Faith from God to be put in “BLOOD of flesh”.  Rather than in God Himself well, such instruction is a snare to one’s soul.

And so the Watchmen who don’t know their right hand from their left (Jonah) proclaim the worship of blood on youtube.

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By no other name can men be saved, save the mighty name of Jesus.

Depart from workers of iniquity who preach and bring you a new gospel and a new Jesus!   When they meet their maker will He say “I never knew you”.

Pray with your heart  God looks upon the heart.  Pray in Truth and be real, tell God your fears and confess your lack of trust….that, my friend is the beginning of an honest relationship with your Creator.


New Gospel Supernatural KJV Bible Changes. Now We Die For Jesus not the other way around. Uhg!

2nd Corinthians 4:11 Shows the blatant inversion of Truth.   Now according to Apostle Paul we are always delivered unto death for the sake of Jesus.  We now just flat out die for Jesus as a rule “alway” (as opposed to persecution or symbolism of dying to the flesh) instead of showing the other way around.  The New UP SIDE DOWN GOSPEL FOLKS.

Continue reading “New Gospel Supernatural KJV Bible Changes. Now We Die For Jesus not the other way around. Uhg!”