To the Beast I say this-take your license requirements for EVERYTHING, your taxes, your poison clothing, poison food, poison products in you poison stores and your wifi, and cell signal, your phones and shuv it where the sun doesn’t shine.
These photos below are all from the same scene in Manchurian Candidate when Liev Shriever is trying to get back his X girlfriend played by Vera Farmiga and Vera Farmiga A.I.. I notice the the show was using two actresses for one seen.
The term hermeneutics can be traced back at least as far as Ancient Greece. David Hoy traces the origin of term to the Greek god Hermes, who was, among other things, the inventor of language and an interpreter between the gods and humanity. In addition, the Greek term ἑρμηνεύω, or hermeneutice, is central to Aristotle’s On Interpretation (Περὶ Ἑρμηνείαςas), which concerns the relationship between language and logic and meaning.
Hermeneutical approaches to meaning are thematized and utilized in many academic disciplines: archaeology, architecture, environmental studies, international relations, political theory, psychology, religion, and sociology. Specifically philosophical hermeneutics is unique in that rather than taking a particular approach to meaning, it is concerned with the nature of meaning, understanding, or interpretation.