Corona means crown. Link for the emotional solutions to fear tactics of the beast.
I am NOT A MEDICAL DOCTOR OR NURSE. THIS IS A SPIRIT LEAD PREVENTION [TO AN UNAMED VIRUS THAT IS COMING]edit. If this corona virus is real the cure may be for it.
So, this Coronavirus is sponsored by “The Crown”. And inspired by the disobedient god Kronos. Your guess is as good as mine just who the crown really are. DO NOT GO TO HOSPITAL IF YOUR NOT SICK.
Sidenote I had to edit this article the title was misleading and article was not cure on my vision that the cure is for an un-named virus.
In short:Clove tea or clove shots 3 times daily and inhale pine steam once a week or every ten days or so.
The cure in my article here “cure for Coronavirus” vision was given for “a virus” or “plague” UNNAMED I do apologize for the leading title that was not forthright. Because I have not confirmed the clove and pine cure as being for corona virus. However these cures will fend off most colds and lung irritations as I have proved them myself. And at the same time if there is a Virus the vision may have been for Coronavirus.]