When is the Rapture? 144 vs. Tribulation Saints


When is the Rapture for the 144,000?

Long Story Short…Late July 2022 is the rapture date for the elect chosen few.  Who are they?  If I tried to categorize the elect I would fail.  Because some are active 144 in the spiritual army of God but others who will be raptured are 133, those who go before the throne.  These are people after God’s own heart.  He knows them and they Him.  Not all of the chosen few are long time spiritual workers.  They could be babes in Christ.

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Why Were We Left Behind?

To Those Left Behind

Seek God with all your might.  He has made this great time so you CAN be delivered, healed and saved.  The great tribulation is designed for the salvation of the many.  So…don’t think God doesn’t Love or want to save you from death. He does.

We tried to tell you about the strong delusion.  We tried to tell you of the Bible changes and other signs and wonders.  We tried to show you what a relationship with The Father is, we tried.  No this isn’t a “I told you so”.  Many still won’t believe the Truth even after the elect are raptured and the innocents are removed from the earth.

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For Old Souls Only

Am I in Purgatory?  But this story doesn’t include “saved by Grace” or does it?  Not in the same semantics but what are semantics?  Same actions different terms.  Why did I write this?  Why do I cry when I read it as if it were my story?  See if your heart feels this story too.

There was a blessed spirit in Heaven it could fly; it was completely sustained by the light of God that was readily available in the beyond where it existed.  We will call the blessed spirit Elior.  Elior could travel from realm to realm, planet to planet; dimension to dimension he could take any shape he wanted.  The realm that housed the seven Earths (God did create seven) were only one of the realms that Elior had toured.  There was a realm called “Ecstasy”, the realm of “Wisdom”, the powerful realm of “Love”, there was a realm called “The knowledge of every universe”.  Elior could help any creature or being that he desired…he did much good and had powerful knowledge as a supernatural entity.
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