10-01-2019 Wolf Demon
You can’t war against powerful demons w/marshmellow fluff angels. It takes a scary looking being w/powerful attributes to crush the creatures of the dark forces. God the Father Creator of Earth and The Heavens has such beings.
This day…the raging RIGHTEOUS demons of wrath have been loosed. By looking you would think these type beings are of Satan but they are not. They are beings set for end times wrath. God’s wrath is not pretty. I do not know what else to call these beings except “righteous demons”.
They are loosed and they will cross the moon to be seen by men. Men’s hearts will fail for fear of what has come upon the Earth. The wolf demon sounds really scary.
How do I know they are loosed? I could be wrong but I believe God has shown me this these creatures of the pit. And by the way…the four horsemen are Father’s beings as well (I am pretty sure) See Leeland Jones .
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