What Happened to Miss Dana Ashlie After She Exposed Lethal 5g Technology?

Has She Been Silenced by Big Brother?  For 5ghz Protection advice click these links.  Scroll past links to article.

How to Cheaply block Cell Signal.

5g Safety for Pregnant Women, Adults, and Children

ALUMINUM to Poison the Slaves

“Know Them By Who They SHOW You They Are______



Dana Ashlie with 127 thousand subscribers, has not made a video in close to 4 months.  Granted last year she made appox 11 videos.  She generally makes one a month.  We do not know for sure what is going on with her.  It could be nothing at all Continue reading “What Happened to Miss Dana Ashlie After She Exposed Lethal 5g Technology?”

5g Safety for Pregnant Women, Adults, and Children

Some of my numerous sources for physical harm by wifi are at bottom of page.  5g is such a high frequency it can cross the blood brain barrier.  Its damaging in many ways see links at bottom of page.

They were much better off holding up their lighters back in the day. These people are absolutely OBLIVIOUS to the harms of all that radio frequency radiation together in one area crossing the blood brain barrier and changing their bodies forever. It isn’t really their fault. Don’t blame them, they are brainwashed to say this: “If a thought scares us just label it “negativity” and call it bullshit. Its NOT my reality” they say with a dazed look. Do they know the 5th leading cause of death is now dementia & Alzheimer’s?


Silver fabric probably sold by the same chumps who are putting out the 5g is $20 a FOOT.  That’s 12 inches folks.  Joann’s Fabric Confetti Dot Metallic fabric blocks and/or reflects emf (I tested it and discovered it myself…how?  I am a seamstress so I tested all my on hand metallic fabrics with my Meterk EMF Meter Electromagnetic Field Radiation Detector

for emf reflective or blocking capabilities with both router and smart phone.  It works best with two layers.  Confetti dot is $7 a YARD x 45inches Content: 83% Nylon & 17% Metallic .  Double it when in use double it.  Make your curtains out of it and I recommend the gold or silver colors.

This article is the solutions to 5g wifi deployment & injury.

Kill zone #2 If your home looks like this…MOVE and fast.

The manufacturers of internet connections do not care if you get sick and they will lie to you about 5g and smart meters.  There are already hoards of lawsuits in the works.  Please protect yourself.

Nobody wants to think they have an enemy who wants them DEAD.  It’s too much fricking work to have enemies.  So we stick our heads in the sand and say “it’s all poison anyway” and your right it is all poison.  or “they wouldn’t do that to us”, or “that’s just BS” or “Everyone has to die somehow”.  WELL if you suffer with an illness years on end due to sticking your head in the sand you may want to rethink the “ignorance is bliss” theory.

Ignorance is your choice, but what about your children and grandchildren?  Will you let them suffer as well just so you don’t have to wire your fricking devices?  Come on people it’s not that hard.  Buy some ethernet wire and turn off the routers radio signals.

#1 Do not get smart appliances put in you home Legally opt out of smart meter or cover it w/amazon $50 screen..

Kill Zone #3 Steer clear of transformers that put out huge magnetic fields affecting the body and brain in a horrible way.

Continue reading “5g Safety for Pregnant Women, Adults, and Children”