From Slavery To Freedom & Power by Ending Curses Upon Mankind


Curses Upon Mankind are Rampant but are Ending!

But those days are at an end.  Here is what I see.  First God showed me the Beast in all it’s vile dictatorial control.  It showed me the greed and the methods by which the Beast hoards all that is plentiful upon the Earth.  Land, Knowledge, Magic Knowledge, History in Truth, The power of the human mind over all things, the devices of oppression such as the money system that makes us believe we are not born into Egypt and slavery.

The days of the curse are now ending.  Nature does things slowly but very very thoroughly.  All these changes I write about are gradual.  The curses that have plagued mankind for eons are now coming to AN END.  The Light is here.


You Were Crafted into A Slave by Evil Greedy Men

Yet He who the Son sets free is free indeed.  Now is the time for our freedom to come to fruition.  But first the child must see what it’s being set free from.

People who have to work for other people to receive just enough “money” to eat and survive are owned by those who pay them a wage.  That employer owns the man/woman/child who works for them all the hours of the work day.

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It’s Too Late For Big Pharma-Prediction-Vision

What Will Become of Big Pharma?

In a word GOD’S JUDGEMENT.  Make no mistake, He is on the way.  Jesus is returning but not in the way you think He is.

Hide and watch all ye of the top tier of corporate America, hide and watch. What is coming you well know because the elite of the elite have stolen for themselves the prophesies of old.  Has daddy dollar showed them to you son of perdition?  Has he told you of the fulfillment of most of them already?  Therefore making the impending consequences unavoidable?

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