What is “The Wing of Abomination” & “Strong Delusion”?

The Abomination of Desolation.  Warning- Graphic Demonic Drawing Photos.  New information below.

(one of them –as the desecration of God’s words in bibles is also an abomination of the desolate type.  Amos 8:11 &12 “I will cause a famine on the earth not of food or drink but of hearing my words.  My words will no longer be found on Earth”).

I am guessing at what is to come for those with and for those without the mark on their forehead and the winged demon on their brain/head shown below.

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Once Saved Always Saved. Law? Faith? Grace?

Am I Saved?  Let yourself off the hook.  Let go and let God.

“Have ye come so far in the spirit and by The Holy Spirit and received the baptism thereof that now ye shall perfect yourself by the flesh & law?” _____ Apostle Paul

Faith is not faith if its not Faith.  Hope is not Hope if its not Hope.  Do not expect a legal document decree to ease your fear of death & fear of not being saved.  You must “Draw nigh unto God and He shall draw nigh unto you”.  Become the clay.  Confess your heart.  The worst of the worst.

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Worst Idol of ALL Is The Holy Bible KJV

The Holy Place (holy bible KJV) will soon be Fully Desecrated

However most Christians are unable to see it no matter what the book says.

They take the English language bible slang that is no longer Old English eloquent and mature, proud and poetic, dignified, sanctified, noble, and Holy now changed into some viking Norseman lingo that those who see are very unfamiliar with.  We who knew the meaning of ever word in the KJV now see thousands of words we have to look up.  Do you hear what I am saying?  We do no longer recognize the bible’s on our shelves.  We do not mean new copies or new translations.  We mean hundred year old bibles have changed drastically while on the shelves.  And those who claim to know the precepts and words of Our Father that were once contained in the book say “same as it ever was” to the new hater god.

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Re-Think The Holy Place Prophecy in Mathew 24 and 2nd Thessalonians 2 and Daniel.

This article is about the abomination of desolation scripture prophecy in Daniel, Mathew, and 2nd Thess. & King James Version Bible.  Click Mat to see scripture in context.
When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)

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New Gospel Supernatural KJV Bible Changes. Now We Die For Jesus not the other way around. Uhg!

2nd Corinthians 4:11 Shows the blatant inversion of Truth.   Now according to Apostle Paul we are always delivered unto death for the sake of Jesus.  We now just flat out die for Jesus as a rule “alway” (as opposed to persecution or symbolism of dying to the flesh) instead of showing the other way around.  The New UP SIDE DOWN GOSPEL FOLKS.

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