Why Were We Left Behind?

To Those Left Behind

Seek God with all your might.  He has made this great time so you CAN be delivered, healed and saved.  The great tribulation is designed for the salvation of the many.  So…don’t think God doesn’t Love or want to save you from death. He does.

We tried to tell you about the strong delusion.  We tried to tell you of the Bible changes and other signs and wonders.  We tried to show you what a relationship with The Father is, we tried.  No this isn’t a “I told you so”.  Many still won’t believe the Truth even after the elect are raptured and the innocents are removed from the earth.

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What Does “Depart From Me Ye Workers of Iniquity, I Never Knew You” Mean Exactly?

Left Behind

Nobody wants to be left behind and cast away by The Most High God The Savior of Mankind, Redeemer, Author and Finisher of our Faith, and Creator of The Heavens and The Earth, NOBODY wants to be cast out.  Moreover most people don’t want to go to hell, some do.  Some trust in Satan and demons to give them authority in Hell and maybe he will.  Drink the Mirror.

Hell Sucks and is Real

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