The Return of Christ Prediction 2024 April 8th – 15th.

See all my FAILED GUESS DATES BELOW.  I made clear these were guesses on this on-going scroll page.  I still say 2024 is the year of His coming!  As I have said since 2018.   Though my April 8th 2024 date did fail.  Ya that sucks!  STILL we know we are in the season. 


(Written on 7-3-24)  My date now is July 25th 2024 for either the redeeming from the Earth for the 144,000.  Or its the date for the redemption of all of mankind from this fallen Earth.

I based the 7-25-24 date on an out of body dream I had in the 90s.  I had four visions of which three have already come to pass.  The fourth vision yet to be fulfilled is me in the upper room with God.  I saw her as a black old women in a rocking chair who represented God the Father.  Hundreds of balloons fell from the ceiling and it was my birthday.  The other three visions- Jacob’s troubles seen by a skeleton on Jacob’s ladder.  #2 Reprobate minds of the many which is fulfilled.  #3 I watched the sleeping church unaware of the supernatural bible changes that are so rampant today.   These visions were from God.  Technically I saw only myself in the upper room but I assume that means big spiritual changes for all believers such as rapture and taking up.

My back up dates are September 23, 2024 Seven years after the Revelation 12 sign.  Also back up date August 21, 2024 seven years from the Great American eclipse date of 2017.

Best guess-The Sun will explode and deliver all God’s children to Him.  Some are chosen to walk the New Earth and seed it.  Either way the New Earth is coming.  Redemption from these bodies is coming.


“Jesus will return at a time”… when somebody “thinks not” This scripture makes me think that the April 2024 eclipse will pass uneventful.  Everyone will say “SEE WHERE IS YOUR SAVIOR NOW? HE DID NOT COME WHEN YOU THOUGHT.  Very few will venture to call more dates of His return after He doesn’t show on the eclipse.  It will be the time when they “think not”.  I am sure now it will be a passover event!  Jesus I Hope will return this YEAR 2024.  I like July 25th 2024 for the collecting of God’s elect.

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