What Does “Depart From Me Ye Workers of Iniquity, I Never Knew You” Mean Exactly?

Left Behind

Nobody wants to be left behind and cast away by The Most High God The Savior of Mankind, Redeemer, Author and Finisher of our Faith, and Creator of The Heavens and The Earth, NOBODY wants to be cast out.  Moreover most people don’t want to go to hell, some do.  Some trust in Satan and demons to give them authority in Hell and maybe he will.  Drink the Mirror.

Hell Sucks and is Real

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Who are The Bride of Christ? How do we Recognize the 144,000. (Bible Changes)

BELIEVERS BEWARE, BE WARY (scroll to heading for bride &, 144,00 paragraphs) click “continue reading” if on homepage then scroll.

“Pride Comes before a Fall” and right now the changed Mandela affected KJV is urging YOU and me to engage in false pride and GLORY SEEKING.  False pride opposed to true pride that is good.  Pride builds self worth after a job well done.   Good actions result in good esteem.   True pride encourages humility & self worth without it we have no confidence in ourselves.  True Pride shows us we are blessed children of God who do have the power to do good.  And to say “I have accomplished this task and it is good”.  Engage not in lying false humilities.  Never engage in self degradation or self insult.  Especially when your speaking to yourself silently.

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