The Anti-Christ Has Clearly Revealed Himself as Billy-Goat Gateors whose mommy’s name is “Mary” of course. And the False Prophet is clearly War-on the Chinese food Buffet. (I apolgz 4-code)
The Gates of Hell shall NOT prevail against the children of God.
The new bible words "Red Dragon" (a mythical character) & "beast" have purposely skewed understanding of the book of Revelation confusing the topics of false prophet and Antichrist who were identified as men prior to certain bible changes. The book is not above reproach unless it's an idol. The Holy Spirit of God has authority over all things made with men's hands.
I am very serious here. And I think you know why this is my belief. I have never been so certain nor have any two ever fit the bill so squarely.
This is not a prophecy it is a very certain educated guess. Sidenote: I had a dream that Obama is a serpent. When Jazweeh tried to pray for him she saw a great black ora protecting him from all Christian prayer. This never before happened. We just realized Obama is also supported by the false prophet and he contributed largely to his presidential campaign. Obama is an antichrist but we think not "the antichrist" who will supposedly "save the world" with probably his DNA vexing CV shots. Not to mention the scriptures about the antichrist are corrupt and altered, skewed with words like beast and dragon. The word "antichrist" has been removed supernaturally from many scriptures in Revelation. See for details.