All things work together for the good to those who Love God.
The Holy Grail is one’s spiritual purpose in life. Not just your calling because God grants several callings during human life. But rather once the prodigal son comes home he can walk in the will of God continually. Finding purpose in each day. And spiritual fulfillment is attained. When the man gets toward the end of his mortal road God will likely show him his coming immortal pathway. And even show him his next calling after mortality puts on immortality and the corrupt puts on incorruption.
From those who came to Earth to help the lost and blind humans. We came to Earth ignorant of the lessons we had to learn. We came to try to prompt men to save their souls by seeking out The Savior. Being subject, now, to the same rules as Earth dwellers we barely got our own souls saved in the process. Even for reincarnated lighted beings being on Earth is risky, due to the treachery and lethal traps of this current Earth & system of deception. We are the Children of God Almighty. Here is what we learned by following our own hearts.
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