Main Reasons I Know Jesus Is Really Returning Soon

Please Read this Urgent Message to All God’s Children*

My name is Jazweeh and this is my recent testimony of the soon return of our Savior Jesus.

Read Testimony (optional)-Jesus is The One who repeatedly answered my cries for help throughout my life.  Jesus shows His children that He Loves them by imparting to them, comfort, healing, deliverance, forgiveness, and on-going helps.  We are valuable to Him.  Salvation is a matter of the heart not the intellect.  The flesh is at emnity with the things of The Spirit.  The intellect cannot be trusted for salvation.  We must approach God with our whole heart and become transparent and authentic before Him courageous, as little children are toward a Loving Father.  By lifting up the name of Jesus in Faith, Hope, and Truth God works in us miracles. Raise your hands in praise. Speak His name aloud.   Do not follow the new Jesus of "saved by Grace" and the changed corrupt KJVB be not a book worshipper.  It is our Faith in Jesus that produces a foundation for our relationship with God.  By no other name have I ever been healed, delivered, enlightened, changed, filled with joy, Hope, understanding, wisdom, and by no other name have I ever been given the courage to become who I really am except the name of Jesus.  Without Jesus I would still be very sick, and continue in the foundation of the lie, wearing the mask of the beast system because the beast demoralized me into the "I am bad & wrong" programming.  Prefer not the lie.

Born Again Experience

(Please know, I am no better than anyone else, of sin I was chief until Jesus molded me as clay).
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BigSib (Brandon) from YouTube Makes Blatant Pyramid Symbol He May be Illuminati Shill

BigSib Brandon is also saying that we should all “Make the Bible our Living Trust Document”  All 66 books.

All exposure is good exposure in the media right?  Lets see that pic again.___

Just he facts maam'
All actors shall be judged but first they will be imprisoned in the halls of the dead to wait and wait and wait. Jesus has the keys. The crooked gate with its crooked key WILL NEVER WORK.

Brandon notes on his channel he is into Hermeneutics lets try and figure out what that means.

1. Roots: Philosophical Hermeneutics

The term hermeneutics can be traced back at least as far as Ancient Greece. David Hoy traces the origin of term to the Greek god Hermes, who was, among other things, the inventor of language and an interpreter between the gods and humanity. In addition, the Greek term ἑρμηνεύω, or hermeneutice, is central to Aristotle’s On Interpretation (Περὶ Ἑρμηνείαςas), which concerns the relationship between language and logic and meaning.

Hermeneutical approaches to meaning are thematized and utilized in many academic disciplines: archaeology, architecture, environmental studies, international relations, political theory, psychology, religion, and sociology. Specifically philosophical hermeneutics is unique in that rather than taking a particular approach to meaning, it is concerned with the nature of meaning, understanding, or interpretation.

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“Redeem the Time” is a Statement of the New Gospel & New Jesus

Learn to pronounce
the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.
“God’s plans for the redemption of his world”
saving/freeing from sin
the action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt.

The Beast is coy.  The beast system is brilliant in mind control and the motive is to get YOU to LOSE YOUR SALVATION by sin & grave spiritual error.

What is Redemption Truly?

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How to See for Yourself the Sun Simulator Fake Sun

Click here to read Short answer how to see lightbulbs in our sun.

New fake sun theory update


Fake Sun .UK article or Smithsonian article

The name of the fake sun advertised on Smithsonia website and is “Synlight” sin-lite.  Oh how the elite love to mock God with blatant rebellious antics.

I Saw The Black Hole Sun The Sun Simulator in the Sky.

Click here to read Short answer how to see lightbulbs in our sun.

There is truth in plain sight, watch the “black hole sun” video.  Truth in plain sight. It even shows tanning booth lamp, smoke and mirrors etc.  This video was a clear confirmation to what I saw.

The few elite controllers are hiding our real sun because our real sun is setting in the southeast and rising in the northeast.   But I believe by January 2021 it will be setting in the east and rising in the west.

There are many videos and websites that talk about having evidence of a fake sun.. .The patents are in the records.  The photos, news articles, evidence is full blown but still to me the concept was unbelievable that man could have a device of lights (basically tanning booth x a million) that could light up and even surpass the brightness of our true sun.

Continue reading “How to See for Yourself the Sun Simulator Fake Sun”

Intercessors Now Torch Bearers Announce Jesus’ Return

To the True Intercessory Prayer Warriors of The Creator of the Heaven’s and the Earth

The links in this article are to articles about the topic on the link.

What is Spirit Lead Intercessory prayer?

Who am I addressing this to?  Those who have the gift of tongues by which they pray in depth on what they are lead and can also pray on any topic with the gift.  The gift is subject to the man not the other way around.  Not to say that those intercessors cannot receive the “burden” to pray for a soul, they have.

I wrote an article alerting believers of a change happening to the intercessors.  These intercessors who once prayed in deep lamentation, supplication & labor by burdens from The Holy Spirit birthing deliverance for lost souls.

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Some Tips for Health Food, EMF, Remedies

Solutions to Health Problems Given by The Spirit

This article will be on going where I will post survival tips, plant identification, edible plants and more as I am lead to.

Now that most areas have 5ghz smart meters on your electric pole that was analog.  Now it sends not your electricity by wifi but rather the info about you electric use by wifi to powerful signal gathering routers on every block.  You can see them on the electric poles down the road by an arm w/a white box on it.  Those are the smart meter routers.

Continue reading “Some Tips for Health Food, EMF, Remedies”

Are these the Mark of the Beast Manifestations?

Photos taken straight off TV and internet not doctored.  You can pull them up yourself on Google Search.

Sidenote:  Vital update about the Mark on the Forehead.  You may want to scan this article.  Take in the mark and how it manifests.  Then click to the updated vison article of the mark & the consummation/abomination of desolation.


We are not positive 100% that this is the mark of the beast from Revelation scripture but it sure as heck appears to be.  Common sense says this is the mark for those who have already aligned themselves with payment & loyalty from the beast being fully aware of their allegiance. Not those who are merely deceived and do not see the many signs and wonders around us today.  The sleeping will have their chance to turn at the great tribulation by the gift of desperation.
 We believe those men (as right now we are seeing mostly men with the mark) who have a protrusion on their forehead that is neither beast/goat or wings (Wings with head lowered & not in view) but rather are partial like box shaped or of no complete shape of the cross or shape of Jesus (from head to toe w/arms out to receive) have simply not made their choice of who they will Love & serve the Dark Lord or Jesus.  Furthermore this DOES NOT negate the "to buy & sell image of the beast".  THIS DOES NOT NEGATE THE MARK TO BUY AND SELL but rather it apparently precedes it.

Are these obvious manifestations of protrusion and markings of wings on the foreheads of men a form of the mark of the beast as written in the scriptures at the end of the page?

SEEMS all the big players have the mark already.  I believe these guys have already made their choice.  Especially T. horn who blasphemes God’s Holy Angels.  I also did the same until I realized it’s fallen angel propaganda.  Causing “do you no know mankind shall judge angels?”.  Ya PASS JUDGEMENT on holy beings which we have no right or knowledge whatsoever to judge harshly.

Continue reading “Are these the Mark of the Beast Manifestations?”

Re-Think The Holy Place Prophecy in Mathew 24 and 2nd Thessalonians 2 and Daniel.

This article is about the abomination of desolation scripture prophecy in Daniel, Mathew, and 2nd Thess. & King James Version Bible.  Click Mat to see scripture in context.
When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)

Continue reading “Re-Think The Holy Place Prophecy in Mathew 24 and 2nd Thessalonians 2 and Daniel.”


They don’t teach MAGNETOBIOLOGY in the U.S. The Beast does not want YOU to know what wifi/cell towers etc. are doing to you.  Don’t spend your money on $20 a foot silver fabric.  Buy confetti dot metallic fabric from Joanne’s online $5 a YARD 45′ width and double it.  It blocks emf pretty well actually it reflects it.  How do I know?  I am seamstress with a meter.  I tested all my metallic fabrics.  I also made my own screens for the router with metal screen and a metal w/holes waste basket from amazon.  I capped off the basket with silver fabric, and a tie to wrap all the wires.  Yes I did buy some silver fabric before I discovered the confetti dot works.


Prediction Concerning The Twin Owls Formation at Lumpy Ridge

Prediction Given by The Holy Spirit Inspiration Concerning Rocky Mountain Splitting at the Twin Owls Formation

Could the new space weapon “rod of god” split a mountain?

Project Thor kinetic space weapon

Watch approx 50 seconds video for wrath of God topic of article.

This is Jazweeh’s most serious prediction because its already been confirmed by the way it came to her in stages.   I would even call it a prophecy.  This came to her first by a vision of what looked to her like twin peaks side by side one taller than the other.  She then saw it split straight down the center in here mind.  She saw also a huge angel with a grand silver speak set to separate the owls one from another as if separating a pair of attached twins.

Prediction received on 1-13-2020 fulfillment of prediction will be during the great tribulation in the next four years my guess.  Father did not give me a date.

Update 9-2020-Come to find out there is already a split rock on Mt. Horeb said to be split by Moses’s Staff when he brought forth water for the Israelites.  Amazing.

Continue reading “Prediction Concerning The Twin Owls Formation at Lumpy Ridge”

King Jame Version Mandela Effected Bible Reads, “Salted Infants” Implies More Cannibalism

This Just Keeps Getting Better and Better See “SALTED BABIES”  Newborns.

That’s sarcasm folks .  Hi.  I am Laura E, ParadisefortheHellbound on Youtube, bible changes KJV extraordinaire.  No false humility here people.  The only one I have seen who sees the extent of Bible changes on YT is EYA and her cohorts.  That’s it.  The rest of the people I do not know why…see some changes, basically they fend out the gnat and swallow THE CAMEL.  Whatever, but for the Grace of God there go I.

And as for thy nativity, in the day thou wast born thy navel was not cut, neither wast thou washed in water to supple thee; thou wast not salted at all, nor swaddled at all.

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Tubal Cain Represents 007 and Is now in the KJVB

This Tubal Cain figure also spoken of in Genesis 4:22 is somehow related to Queen Elizabeth and John Dee the Alchemist Magician etc. He is also related to the 007 Movies.   See Nicholson1968’s Video Blockbuster- “Cain..Tubal Cain!! Full Version produces and edited Nicholson1968 for more on this mystery before us.

Since the bible changes to the KJV I have been chewing on the name “Tubalcain”.  My spirit felt provoked by it and I am certain its a new addiction to the bible.

Graciously Thanks to Mr. Nicholson for allowing Jazweeh to post this video. Thanks from “ParadisefortheHellbound” on YT (Laura E.)

MORE will be REVEALED.  This is residual that Tubal Cain was in Isaiah…now it makes no reference to him in Isaiah that I can see.  So either its a M.E. or an error.


Tubal Cain is described in the Bible under Isaiah 2:4 –“He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.” And also in Joel 3:10 – Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. Let the weakling say, “I am strong!

Self Sufficiency & Farming Educated Out of Americans

The Beast System Envelopes Earth

How Do Corporate Demons Convince the Masses to Take their Poisoned Toxic Food?

Our well being by eating wholesome food should NEVER have been taken from us and put into the hands of the enemy.  How is it that a whole nation of people accept that its okay, the way it is, no problem that EVERYTHING IS TAINTED WITH POISON THAT WE EAT, wear, sit on, and breath?

MIND CONTROL, programming, TV, education/indoctrination, unto blindness using our emotional condition by trauma…trauma based mind control. Study it. Solutions at this link.

The enemy is at your door, protect against spiritually and by changing diet.

See solutions for emotional recovery from the beast system at and

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Know this

The Word tile of this article (that by the way can’t be written for reasons you can guess) is being pushed so hard in all forms of media non stop.   You can bet the words are being formed, baked, invented, and primed for a reason.  And that reason is future are rests, mind control, speech control, and oppression of free speech.

The Auntie Seam at tis em’ is being pushed and invented to tackle the truth movement and free speech in America.

Know this Nobody gives a shit about these who are playing the victims of the opposite of “love speech”.  They are playing the hollow cost to the hilt.  The hollow cost was invented for this purpose.  Note I doubt Isarael was ever in the book to begin with.

I don’t believe for a minute that Jesus is concerned with politics but you can bet the controllers are.


What will the Great Tribulation Look Like?

Take Heed my words, Take heed my call for the mirror drinker.

Now see this that Father Creator of The Heavens and The Earth showed me this day by the skies, moon, sun, blood clouds that appeared across the sky as never before.  People sped by in their cars not taking note of it or noticing the majestic prophecy in the clouds.

We are now in the dawning of the age of the Great Tribulation.  The seas by

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NAZI SONG AND DANCE “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”

Poisoning a Young Innocent Mind of Vital Truths

You will NOT get a present UNLESS you shut down your healthy emotional process of sacred tears!

Teaching children to shut down their most vital emotional process of tears and crying and the lack of empathy that accompanies doing so is easily one of the most damaging poisons a child and their parents are fed by the Beast.  Not to mention, but I will the parents Love the child but do not want to hear the crying.  Instead of comfort the child receives reprimand for being true to her heart.

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ALUMINUM to Poison the Slaves

Straight up Poisoning of Americans by Corporate America


Now I loath you as you loath humans.  Know this, one day I will meet you.  How do I know it?  Your fallen angels have deserted your leader.  He is alone. The fallen angels have returned to their mighty and Loving Creator God.  The saints will judge those who served the fallen.   The fallen had their purpose to separate the sheep from the goats.   The goats are now known to Father therefore the angels have done their job, their calling was hard and dark but someone had to do it.  Your number is up controller.  You cannot stop Jesus from His return.  You cannot kill Jesus or the Creator of Heavens and Earth.

Your pride is your fall controller.  And those you murdered and poisoned will be your judge.

Nevertheless I must repent and pray for you the very beast system that is killing millions of men women and children in a day.  Now I pray for you all the blessings of Heaven and Earth.  I pray God deliver you all from sin and murder.  I pray you be blessed with repentance and delivered from Hell and the Grave.

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A Great Sorrow has Come Over Jazweeh in Her Spirit

I am About My Father’s Business.  Those around us don’t get it, they do not feel the call.

We are not used to sitting back and waiting on God.  We are much more activated when warring against demonic forces.

But children of God NOW something has greatly changed in the spiritual realm.  It seems we are to sit back and wait for Jesus return.

Continue reading “A Great Sorrow has Come Over Jazweeh in Her Spirit”