What Are Orbs, Plasmoids? And Harvest time is at Hand.

Written 12-26-2024  An article about Dreams/Orbs.  Unedited (I do apologize for typos)

Orbs or “Plasmoids” as the “they’s” have named them.  I have seen the orbs both at daylight and at night when they glow.  I saw a distorted face in the orb during the daylight hours.  I was lead to stop on on a back road to look at the sky for a time.  I saw an orb with strange distorted male face in it.  I thought it was a lost soul.  And it may well be part of it’s description.  But today during meditation I was doing a strange new type of lucid dreaming.  I was watching character prepare (in my soul) preparing for me to dream.  And these characters some of them were in a plasma orb just like what I saw in daylight.

I think these souls who play the actors in our dreams do with us humans a sort of visitation into our realm of sleep.  Thing is THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE VISIBLE TO US at night moving all around and about seeking out the sleeping.  Kind of like the Sandman tale but different.  Anyway I think they are souls in purgatory.  They are doing work to make up for sins while on Earth.  They are probably limited in power.  And are only able to create by their imaginations parts of our subconscious.

I have found that dreams don’t appear much at all like their interpretations.  Well they may in the early stages of spiritual growth be easy to interpret because of processing dreams from trauma.  Fear dreams from real experiences.  And so for venting strong human emotions at night so we are not bottled up.

But as we grow spiritually through prayer, meditation, diet, resisting demonic temptation etc. our third eye the spiritual sight we all have to nurture, grows stronger.  We see more and more and more about what we are.

Especially since end of days has kicked in.  We are now spiritually heightened IF we work towards it.  Or you can be like my partner who doesn’t believe in anything he can’t see with his carnal eyes.  Nor does he believe a word I say about the supernatural.  He doesn’t even believe in God I am pretty sure of that.  He had a blatant goat on his head when marks of the beast started appearing on heads.  And now it’s turned to the Eagle of Rome and himself as his first Love.  It’s understandable.  It’s our programming.

Anyway something is broken in the stratosphere, atmosphere, skies, magnetic fields, to allow these orbs to be seen  And soon we will likely also be viewing the dark realm.  Which will cause men’s hearts to fail for fear of what has come upon the Earth.  As is written.


If He tarries He will not tarry long.  He is tarrying but not for much longer.

Perhaps we will be raptured out of here by 2024 after all.  Perhaps only the 144 will be raptured.  Or maybe both believing Gentiles and the 144 shall be put on Noah’s Ark to ride out the coming great tribulation in the Ark of the Dome.

Noah’s Arch of the Dome a safe place to wait out the annihilation of Earth. Bringing us to the New Earth.

Regarding the Return of Jesus

If they say He is in the bibles they don’t know Him.  If they says He is in the churches they know Him not.  If they say that they are a follower of Jesus and they cannot see the signs of His coming depart from them.  For workers of iniquity shall embrace Legion/religion and deceive many.  And they are.  And they are.

“When you see the signs of the coming day of Jesus’ return Look up!  For your redemption draweth nigh”…….sorry but this scripture no longer exists in the books.  Nevertheless I quote it by heart memory.

I suppose up until now it’s all been either Jacob’s troubles or birth pains (and most people are not spiritual “Israel” to suffer Jacob’s troubles.

Another bright star has come into our realm.  Brighter than both the Red and Blue Kachinas.  At first I thought it was the Red Kachina which I have been watching or over seven years.  But then I realized that there were two stars in the night sky brighter than all the rest and neither of them were the Blue Kachina.  The two brightest stars for the past seven years have been the Blue & the Red Kachinas.  And with or without binoculars their color appears.  But the Blue Kachina flys with beautiful shining wings of silver and blue.  While the Red Kachina her brother is more like a moon glowing of red from time to time.

My dream pictorial. Seems there may really be an alien deception. One to get people out on the highways were they are vulnerable to the towers of babble.

So when I saw two super bright Star Angels tonight 12-21-2024 I assumed it was the two Kachinas.  That is until I looked closer and saw no wings on the lesser light and no flashing of beautiful blue shimmer.  I don’t know the name of the new now brightest star.  But I heard in my own head, what I think was the star saying to me “give the final warning Laura of Thrones for I am a sign for thee that this is finally the last warning of His coming“.  The harvest is nigh.




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