I had a realistic unforgettable dream years ago about alien space craft landing in my back forty.
I have always taken walks back down the path and across the creek bed of my property. In the dream flying saucers came and slowly and peacefully landed in the grass. But something in the dream was strange. When the saucers made ground by slowly landing the grass went into the saucer as if it was in two separate spaces. A dividing of realities is what I used to think it meant. I didn’t fathom that the saucer could have been a hologram. Simply making it a picture in the air. The saucer was a figment of high tech hologram devices. And it’s likely there was an orb somewhere nearby creating the picture.
Why would my God show me this dream. You see the dream impressed me and I never forgot it. It was a warning dream not to be displaced by fake alien ships all around. Not to run and not to hide. Not to be afraid and not to act rashly in fear and anxt.
I had also another warning dream or vision, not sure which. It showed the highways back up for miles and miles and miles. Telling me that like when the hurricanes came to Florida…the people ran north and sat on the interstates and highways for days, trapped. The majority of the towers of babble are on those roads. My warning was not to get out on the highways because of fer and trepidation.
Those towers coupled with the devices are how the dark annihilators control the masses. The babble and bray steal the minds of the many. Making mush of what was. And making stew of what will be.
Stay off the highways and interstate as much as possible especially when a televised threat comes to your town.