The Prophesied Golden Age Has Begun.
Long story short…the fallen Earth will be annihilated to make way for the New Nature and the New Earth.
Believers will be raptured and unbelievers may go to their soul death. While serpents will find their home in Hell or the Lake of fire eternal death (not torture). Lions are already reining upon the Earth by great works of Faith yet unseen by the natural eyes. Coming soon is the harvest of most souls. Those who will seed & walk the New Earth for one thousand years know who they are.
They are likely already becoming ageless internally. Their skin will be the last to go ageless.
The Bible calls them “Israel” used to read “Isrial” they are God’s chosen few. The political Israel is Baby lawn. (babylon). They had a power demon in their black rock. They did worship it day and night. It granted them power. Summoned years and years ago by one of Solomon’s witches. The dark spirit corrupted all of those whom it made wealthy.
The return of the Gods called Greek Gods is now. And they are not fallen angels. Angels are not demons. Demons are not Holy Angels. Gods are not Angels. Jesus is not an Angel or a God rather He is the sacred Savior the first begotten Son of God Almighty. All believers in Jesus had the opportunity to become sons of God by following the Way of Jesus. Jesus has some of the powers of the Gods. The begotten of a human mother and the Holy Spirit.
The rest of the Sons of God are born of flesh and worked to receive The Holy Spirit in & by exalting Jesus by name. When they received the Holy Spirit Baptism and supernatural spiritual gifts in Jesus name they began to become Sons of God with supernatural gifts.
They are becoming “Sons of God” like Jesus but not with the status of the only first Son. Jesus is the First born of God therefore He sits at the right hand of God Almighty. These 144 walk the same Way that Jesus taught them to by God’s the Holy Spirit to be guided into the supernatural wisdom of the ages.
They do great works of Faith. And they find it very important to walk in works of Faith. Their works affect all of mankind. The great works of Faith that the 144 did already affected all humans who are on Earth. They get no recognition only mocking as they are social outcasts. The 144 do works of Faith, you won’t see them or the two witnesses on the image of the beast. Nor will you see them on mainstreet glorifying themselves. They are taught to not seek glory, that ALL GLORY & HUMAN PRAISE BELONGS TO THE FATHER.
The Golden Age is upon us. GOD’S Gods have returned such as Abundance, Goodness, Joy, Peace, the God of Fulfillment and of Nurturing. Many Gods of Goodness are now in the First Heaven beginning a new work. The Gods of Balance and Truth and Fruit of Earth. These Gods are Good not bad like Christian preachers teach. Just as all Angels of God are also Good. And all demons are bad though they do exactly what they were created to do. They tempt mankind and look for ways in. Their time is short.
Dark demons are beings many of them are sent back to Hell already. The only demons left on Earth now are the demons inhabiting humans. And the locust from the pit with it’s winged abomination has flown. Serpents and strongholds of demons are already CRUSHED in the unseen war of light and dark.
Soon very soon God’s Light will be evident for the eyes to behold. We shall be changed but not all shall sleep for one thousand years. Finally the gods of old have returned. When they left two thousand years ago, the Earth fell and so did mankind. They fell to the seven deadly sins. They fell to mortal sins. And they fell to lesser demonic entities. They fell to plagues and violence. They fell to the consequences of their actions.
Why? All men women and children had to experience both evil and good so they could choose who their god is. And most people already have the mark of the beast on their foreheads. Many took the desecration of their bloodline and lost their inheritance by drinking Esau’s Soup. Pandora’s Box of poison.
You see, mankind wanted human kings like Solomon and they suffered greatly for their desire to be greedy power hungry kings wielding oppression over the Earth. They created a prison by debt and finance. The serpents stoled all of commerce, and poisoned all the good fresh food.
They corrupted every seed they could. Enhancing dangerous chemical aspects of the plants and deleting the nourishing balance of live food.
They oppressed and killed the innocent. They denatured all crops making them pesticide friendly. Crops with the ability to withstand massive amounts of pesticides without dying. They ruined the seed and stored up Truth God given seed in their vaults.
They made crops that produce one harvest of worthless seed and gmo grain. So farmers would be subjected to man’s rule over them. Selling them seed every season. FUCKING MONSTERS!
They nearly destroyed Earth itself by their science. The evil men brought many plagues upon Earth making mankind a crop in itself. They invented heart disease and cancer for their greed. Making their fortunes on the illness and suffering of the innocent.
Most do not recognize diseases as being evil plagues. Like cancer and diabetes and the rest of man made poison causing plagues. Born from poisons and potions. They fed mankind plants no recognized as food by the human brain.
Christians don’t know they are in the great tribulation because they cannot see or recognize the vile evil in front of them. When they get sick it assumed “something is wrong with me”. They don’t know they are victims of genocidal plagues.
The 144 are working to clean up the fallen Earth and annihilate all of the darkness upon it. ALL of the devices of mankind will be turned to sand & dust by the Gods of old. There will be no governments, no more organizations of death crimes, no laws, no more mind control & no schools, no stores no products few if any buildings will remain standing after the fires come. No religion no nations no politics no drugs. No bibles. No desecrated humans who are now part monkey.
All hybrids with burn in the lake of fire instant soul death. Unless they repent of taking the shot. The Earth will be made into a clean slate making way for the New Nature. It will be desolate for a time.
The 144 and the children of the New Nature will be guardians over God’s New Earth Paradise.
Gentiles are clueless to the beast. They think the worst evil at hand is sex drugs and rock and roll. They cannot fathom the genoside and manipulations of life.
Then the New Earth paradise will grow by magic. Magic will flow in rivers & streams of living waters. In one thousand years the Earth will be a Paradise of everlasting beauty. Eden. Shalimar the abode of Love.
It will not become full until God’s First Begotten Sun/Son appears in the sky. As the Sun rises in the Eastern sky and sets in the west so too shall the coming of the Son of God be. And the Sun of man shall be burned to oblivion. Never again will greedy men have dominion over this Earth. God allowed it so the many would choose their God and choose their Way.
God has appointed guardians. And the Gods will watch over Earth as well.
No more lies. No more slavery. No more rulers from Hell. No money or taxes. No more demonic infiltrations. Sodom will burn. And God will pay close attention to annihilating Jew ru Salem the home of the oppressive ruling economists. The antichrists who call themselves “Israel” and are not Isriel. But they are babylon the beast. Home of the black rock power demon no more.
All of their mind controlling devices all technology all that we call modern shall be gone. No image of the beast (phones/tv’s). And on the New Earth there will be no need for any modern devices. No slaughter of animals. No eating living creatures. No more pain of childbirth and probably no more carnality at all.
We will rely on God and the fruit of the Earth will be sweet & wholesome.
The many Gods of the Golden Age will work for us from on high to renew the fallen Earth. When the New Nature comes it will be miraculous. And the children will play at the pit of the viper. Any threat to Earth will be answered abruptly and without hesitation.
I saw the Blue Kachina Angel rise from the Earth itself in my front yard. I thought it was the rapture. I still think it may have triggered the first rapture of the innocent. (Not children they are something else. pure in heart retarded their brains considered injured know no evil devising.)
Look at these photos I took of it. A wheel within a wheel.