Who Is The Woman of Revelation Twelve?

“Master! Master! Your promised me eternal life, and you give it to the pretty woman!”

Play the sound clip to hear original Dracula movie line by Renfield.

But what does this fun movie clip really have to do with eternal life? What does Revelation 12 really mean? Who is The Woman of Revelation 12? Why is she so special? Who is the “man child”? It’s all a mystery which can only be revealed by those who know God.  The only ones who know just who the Revelation 12 woman really is has to be the Revelation 12 woman herself.

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The Blue Kachina is The Phoenix Bird

Representing The coming of the New Earth!  The Red Kachina Brings with Him Vials of Fire Supranaturalle.


For Four years I have been watching what I call the blue Kachina (Hopi Prophecy) in the southern sky from Florida.  It dances and flashes red, blue, and clear lights.  It has wings as an angel.  And for four years I have watched her fly using just a cheap pair of binoculars.  Today I figured out what she is.

I am afraid that without Faith men won’t be able to see the Firebird Phoenix.  There is a dividing of time in play.  Two realities at work in one place.  Literally two Truths.  (Hence the many Mandela effects and supernatural bible changes etc.)

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Signs & Wonders Is Hell Real? Bible Changes. Patience of the Saints.

Short answer—YES.    But Hell is not like the preacher presents it AT ALL.   The Patience of The Saints

Hell is much like Earth with it’s comings and goings and people.

In this article by Jazweeh are analogies of Heaven & Hell.  They are informed spiritual theories not “thus sayeth The Lord”.  None of the predictions on any of my sites are ‘thus sayeth the Lord’. Rather writings are based on my many years of seeking out the things of God and becoming the clay in His hands.

Continue reading “Signs & Wonders Is Hell Real? Bible Changes. Patience of the Saints.”