Wisdom calls to the many but she is ignored and utterly rejected.
Supernatural Bible Changes Below I have commenced to rewriting The Book of Proverbs by memory. Why? Because the wolf is desecrating all bibles. How? God has given me direction I am a scribe of God. Some verses are new because we are in the end of days and end days proverbs are needed. For now only the elect remember the bible before the desecration. The Bible will soon be desolate of most wisdom and Truth. Some popular verses will remain for posterity. The strong delusion is that Christians on the most part do not remember the old bibles. They are somehow being afflicted with false memories. They are the majority. They cannot see that the book speaks very vile and putrid lies. They only see, when reading, their preconceived notions of what the Holy book should mean by its words, not what the words do mean. For more on the bible changes see https://abominationdesolation.com for the bible change log 2020. Before you read the new book of Proverbs below you may want to read a few prerequisites & definitions.
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