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TOPICS BY LINK Armor of God Church Baptism of The Holy Spirit Plasma and Corona Discharge Cure Corona Virus Hell & Death Revelation 12 Jeff Snyder2 on Youtube Intercessory Prayer Dreams & Visions Magic Evil Grace of Faith? Once Saved Always Saved? GMO Soldiers Locust Army …

The Deterrents (detourants) to Finding Your Holy Grail Scroll

All things work together for the good to those who Love God. The Holy Grail is one’s spiritual purpose in life.  Not just your calling because God grants several callings during human life.  But rather once the prodigal son comes home he can walk in the will of God continually.  Finding purpose in each day.  …

Hell and Back. “They have come out of Great Tribulation” Revelation.

Jazweeh tells a part of her story through the words of the scribe. Sheep Are The Children of God by Analogy Let’s call us “children” instead of animals.  After all, I resent when the beast calls us cattle.  “heard immunity, heard mentality, etc.” Jesus Repeated the phrase “feed my sheep” to the apostles in the …

What is an Addict?

If you struggle with addiction be sure to visit the solutions at and Disclaimer:  This article holds nothing back.  It is not a blame game but rather has identified common reasons for addiction.  Taking responsibility for our healing and recovery is still imperative to our emotional health.  But for those who do find …