To The 144,000 The Time of Sorrows & Purification is Upon Us

RIVERS OF LIVING WATERS ARE COMING.  THEY SHALL FLOW FROM OUR BELLIES BREATHREN. But first the purification.  The purification of the 144 is both physical, emotional, & spiritually. For the good news skip to the bottom “THE NEW EARTH.  Rapture?” Do Not Lose HOPE in your trials of fire Brothers.  For After the Trials of …

Bible Changes & Are You The 144? & Chosen-One Hundred & Forty Four Thousand

Easily Half the King James Version Bible is corrupt.  I googled “why does KJVB capitalize random words mid sentence.” and of course S.E. gave no results on the topic.  Few see it and few talk about it. So un-suspecting sheep just read it bla bla bla as if it were gospel not noticing ERROR AFTER …

Who are The Bride of Christ? How do we Recognize the 144,000. (Bible Changes)

BELIEVERS BEWARE, BE WARY (scroll to heading for bride &, 144,00 paragraphs) click “continue reading” if on homepage then scroll. “Pride Comes before a Fall” and right now the changed Mandela affected KJV is urging YOU and me to engage in false pride and GLORY SEEKING.  False pride opposed to “pride” that is good to …

It’s Time To Become Immortal

Wait I Say Wait on The Lord God! Favored scriptures below on immortality and transfiguration.  Not all shall sleep but we shall all be changed. The Mystery of the Resurrection 1Co 15:50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.